Message from @**Åli̊čeȰn✨Q̣̇✨**
Discord ID: 600305657199198208
Courtesy of Robert Burke, here is all of the video of Kuhner Man and Turtle Boy on Rally Remember save off line and share it and input it on Bitchute and all independent video.
LIVE soon
**#WeThePeople 24/7 Patriots' Soapbox Archive** uploaded **2019-07-14 22:00 EDT - The Roxi Files: with Roxi** at July 15, 2019 at 09:14AM:
Mission, Values, and Vision
Our Mission
We work to build a service-member and veteran led movement that ends militarism by transforming ourselves, military culture and American society.
Our Values
1. We value leadership and act with honesty and integrity to build mutual trust.
Leadership development forms the basis of our organizing model. We build our own personal power through transformation and growth as competent leaders, thereby building the power of our organization and movement. We work together from a place of honesty, communicating openly with sincerity and candor. We operate with integrity, holding ourselves accountable and creating mutual trust—the glue that holds our community together.
2. We value our community, treating everyone with dignity and respect.
We are not simply an organization. We function as a community built by our collective experiences as Global War on Terror veterans. As former and current members of the armed forces, we know the values currently underpinning American military culture dehumanize our so-called enemies, as well as ourselves. Everyone deserves dignity and respect; we recognize the humanity of all people.
3. We value solidarity and seek justice with compassion for all those affected by U.S. wars and militarism.
We share common human interests with all those affected by war and militarism. We understand militarism as a value system that prioritizes aggression, violence, and regimentation throughout many sectors of our society. We know that our own transformation is tied to the transformation of those we impact through war. Compassion guides us as we seek transformative justice and build solidarity with those affected by U.S. military intervention.