Message from @wheredowegofromhereQ
Discord ID: 601783629282148401
Gee, I wonder why knife crime is up in England. hmmmmm👆
Netanyahu tweeted: "What else did the sex offender give Ehud Barak?"
@Killuminati country You were making noise while people were talking. I muted your mike because you did not mute it while not in use. When you see this I will unmute you.
Is this a rap? 🤨
I'm lost
not sure if this is something or nothing. Pres trump is in NJ playing golf today. Does he not usualy play on weekends. Why of all days is he taking today off?
@RISING Wait until this evening about 4:50 PM Eastern according to the watch in the Q post
Keep the weekend news shows busy
Morning, interesting rap
sorry my bad
He leaves tonight
for jersey
@TheGingerNinja thanks
@Killuminati country you got flow I was just caught off guard lol
@Flag719 yeah sry
@Killuminati country no worries just you or a group
From what @Flag719
Maybe it's something that will be said at around that part of a speaking moment
You will my Rap to new
For the patriots
I'm on the Casaul voice