Message from @merry heart
Discord ID: 435881550366900224
As Denver said on periscope yesterday, they reap what they sow!
For the price of one starbucks coffee I can home brew for a month. CLOSE for all I care.
Happy to be here. @Braveheart Texas
This is exciting! Love all you Patriots! MAGA
@everyone just to let you guys know. I’m in Texas and been with Q and Soapbox since the beginning. Glad to be here.
This is just so cool!!!🍻
Hello from Canada!
It great to be able to connect with other patriots!
Just so you guys know.... I have no idea what I’m doing
Me either
Glad to be able to talk with you all and not have to scroll so much in YT to just keep up
Glad to have you @MPatient Especially another Texan 😉
love all patriots .......
Neither do I DooFuzz!!!! 😄
@DooFuzz That goes for a lot of us. You'll get it!
Oh my gosh.. Its like finding family... Hello okies and texans in the group
I’m very excited to be here
How do you see the number??
I’m new at this too!🙂
this is wonderful... thank you Pam, et. all ....
Hi everyone, survivor turned soldier here. Nice to be here!
I'll need to explore this all a bit later @Michael F talk soon 😎
@everyone. One thing you’ll find out quickly is that a lot of channel members interact on other Discord channels.
Yes a big thanks to Pam!!!
Pennsylvania here
hello all hope my old brain can learn this discord lol
Thank you patriots
@everyone who has no idea what they are doing - please look to the left side where all of the "channels" are , you will find INVALUABLE Resources to help you navigate. Watch the video's and feel free to ask questions
Welcome Pennsyvania!
Ty brave
<#430892996716920852> <--- for help
This will work out so much better than talking to a tv screen