Message from @corgibear
Discord ID: 440795389063331840
I got a new meme most here might like in the #meme channel
@RustyShackleford could that be Comey?
Not sure further than Special Agent?
Whoever it is sounds like we turned 'em though.
Document reads "retired" SA. Who retired? McCabe? Brenner?
ALL: My sincere apologies -- I'd been injured in an accident that kept me offline 8 days ago and still recovering. My online presence is erratic at best, please bear with me as I recover. It will be weeks...
Tetsuyama511 Praying for a speedy recovery!
I am in here!
hey @corgibear how are you this fine morninig
doinng great getting ready to go to bed. just catching up before i do
relatively new, been here a few weeks i think
tryign to get more involved.
im the quit one in this bunch. do you have a mic. just jump in
I do have a blue Yeti.
fire it up leaf and ghost love to talk to any one
LOL cool
come over to we go one we have people talking over there
trying to figure this out
where is that
Did Israel just use a tactical nuke to destroy the Iranian military base in Syria? – The Millennium Report
Morning @Deleted User
@F5Anon Good morning!
Good morning all..
Words of Wisdom to start your day-When you know who you are; when your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will; no cold can touch your heart; no deluge can dampen your purpose. You know that you are alive when you break free and discover the truth. Mitakuye Oyasin
Nuf Said!
Good morning Patriots.
Good Morning, PatriotNOLACouple..
@PatriotNOLACouple are you from one of my favorite cities?
New Orleans?
Yes I am
New Orleans is an amazing city