Message from @Sparks2591

Discord ID: 440956477012705281

2018-05-01 19:11:04 UTC  

It sure is!!! Supposedly the term here was idiot!

2018-05-01 19:13:45 UTC  

@Sparks2591, I think he is a Not Kelly. Trump knows how to feed the fish while he is frying up other things behind the scene. I would never be able to walk through Trump’s head. It is a mind field of smarts.

2018-05-01 19:14:45 UTC  

You sure got that right. He didn't make Billions by being a LARP!!!

2018-05-01 19:15:22 UTC  

@Sparks2591 , or being lazy. He wears me down just watching him in action.

2018-05-01 19:16:02 UTC  

He is the Eveready Bunny!!

2018-05-01 19:16:30 UTC  

Hmmmm . I was listening to short wave last night. There were some vets on one station talking about Trump being surrounded by alligators and being blackmailed. Let's hope not.

2018-05-01 19:17:33 UTC  

He's surrounded by alligators alright but he's also surrounded by MARINES!!!

2018-05-01 19:18:28 UTC  

@Deleted User ,listen in more tonight. I surely hope not. The alligators in the DC swamp have been there so long, do they still have good teeth. Maybe they meant his son.

2018-05-01 19:19:43 UTC  

@Deleted User , you really are prepared. We used to have short wave radios, but let our license expire when we got cell phones. Only used them on the farm.

2018-05-01 19:20:03 UTC  

I don't believe blackmail would work on Mr. President. Many have tried and failed.

2018-05-01 19:20:03 UTC  

I don't get all wiggy and excited until I have the facts.

2018-05-01 19:20:27 UTC  

It would work if they threatened his family

2018-05-01 19:21:08 UTC  

@Deleted User , if I see or hear you wiggle, please know I am quaking in my boots...and probably peeing in my pants!

2018-05-01 19:21:12 UTC  

We pray every day for him and his family!!

2018-05-01 19:22:03 UTC  

Can someone explain to me WHY they say the "R" is missing from Iron Eagle/EagerLion anagram? There's an "r" in both "iron" and "eager". I don't get it. ❓❓

2018-05-01 19:22:16 UTC  

I pray continually for Trump- his family

2018-05-01 19:23:15 UTC  

@Keybroad May I ask what iron eagle are you referring to?

2018-05-01 19:23:25 UTC  

@Deleted User , maybe the alligator is fooled. He may be letting them think he is being blackmailed. If his son in law is dealing with the devil, he would know. Don’t think he would ever do anything to harm his family, but God help those who would.

2018-05-01 19:23:36 UTC  

@Keybroad : I don't get the argument either. You are right there's an "r" in each one.

2018-05-01 19:24:20 UTC  

I will try to get more info.

2018-05-01 19:24:39 UTC  

@Genie West : That family is as tight a group as I heve ever seen. I have to agree with you.

2018-05-01 19:25:09 UTC  

@Keybroad , was it iron eager or iron eagle?

2018-05-01 19:25:14 UTC  

@Deleted User - Iron Eagle is mentioned in approximately 9 Q posts. Go to one of the sites with all of the posts, and in the top left filter box, type "Iron Eagle" and about 9 posts will come up. It appears to be an anagram for EagerLion, which is the current military exercise happening in Jordan (biblical MOAB).

2018-05-01 19:25:50 UTC  

@Keybroad Will do. Thanks!

2018-05-01 19:26:03 UTC  

@Keybroad , I remembered that, but I thought you were mentioning a new Q.

2018-05-01 19:27:07 UTC  

No - latest mention is 1245.

2018-05-01 19:27:43 UTC  

@Keybroad , thanks.

2018-05-01 19:29:00 UTC  

@Keybroad , I wonder how long ago this whole puzzle was crafted...then edited as the days progress. I am stymied by its complexity.

2018-05-01 19:29:38 UTC  

I know! How amazing is it?!?! They really teach these guys how to "game" in War College.

2018-05-01 19:31:00 UTC  

@Keybroad , glad I infiltrated a Baptist college. I was a Methodist. I know scriptures, but not tactical games.

2018-05-01 19:31:09 UTC  

It's almost like how I function when I get a dream from God, or interpret them for other people. It's a huge prophetic jigsaw have to wait on timing signals to understand individual pieces of the puzzle sometimes, and other times - you have seen the same symbols many times before and understand easily.

2018-05-01 19:31:49 UTC  

They had a basic "game plan," yet they have to adjust for squirrel moves by the enemy.

2018-05-01 19:33:04 UTC  

Good afternoon guys!

2018-05-01 19:33:17 UTC  

standing out in the cold on Saturday @ the rally got me sic 😦

2018-05-01 19:33:29 UTC  

On March 8, Oleg Deripaska, the founder of a Russian aluminum company Rusal, noted in his op-ed for The Daily Caller that "on March 16, 2017, Daniel Jones — himself a team member of Fusion GPS, self-described former FBI agent…- met with my lawyer, Adam Waldman, and described Fusion as a 'shadow media organization helping the government,' funded by a 'group of Silicon Valley billionaires and George Soros'." STill looking who are the silicon valley billionaires who were involved an where the funding was paid for services or donated to a foundation

2018-05-01 19:33:35 UTC  

@Keybroad ,I like the way you think. My grandson is an old soul, almost prophetic in his thinking. He remembers things from when he was 6 months old...that all of us had forgotten. Very critical thinker. Wish he was old enough to help me decode Q.

2018-05-01 19:33:43 UTC  

Whoever did this has a complete military intelligence training comms background, but also knows the Bible, biblical symbology, and is instinctual about the expected reactions of their subjects of interest (hears the Holy Spirit telling him/them of upcoming moves by R or HRC????)