Message from @R1V37H34D

Discord ID: 446721099523424256

2018-05-17 16:13:13 UTC  

@StrykerMM (matt) I think you can DM the Patriots at Patriots' Soapbox, but I don't know if they'll get it.. I'm sure they must have a lot of DMs, lol.

2018-05-17 16:14:36 UTC  

@StrykerMM (matt) you can msg on air hosts directly by looking to the right, clicking their name and direct messaging them.

2018-05-17 16:14:54 UTC  

make sure they are actually on line

2018-05-17 16:28:05 UTC

2018-05-17 16:43:38 UTC  

Yes, this just got tweeted to GOP Oversight, Darrell Issa, Trey Gowdy, POTUS, Gen. Flynn, AG Sessions & Eric Holder, asking when was Holder going to be subpoenaed:

2018-05-17 16:51:22 UTC  

Royalty... Pfffft.... From the anons on 8

2018-05-17 16:56:07 UTC  

Clowns wear masks?

2018-05-17 17:23:26 UTC  

Glad they got caught

2018-05-17 17:23:34 UTC  

Me too.

2018-05-17 17:25:46 UTC  

``` 1. So a few important points on that new NYT "Hurricane Crossfire" piece. A story that, BTW, all of us following this knew had to be coming. This is DOJ/FBI leakers' attempt to get in front of the facts Nunes is forcing out, to make it not sound so bad. Don't buy it. It's bad.
2. Biggest takeaway: Govt "sources" admit that, indeed, the Obama DOJ and FBI spied on the Trump campaign. Spied. (Tho NYT kindly calls spy an "informant.") NYT slips in confirmation far down in story, and makes it out like it isn't a big deal. It is a very big deal.
3. In self-serving desire to get a sympathetic story about its actions, DOJ/FBI leakers are willing to provide yet more details about that "top secret" source (namely, that spying was aimed at Page/Papadopoulos)--making all more likely/certain source will be outed. That's on them
4. DOJ/FBI (and its leakers) have shredded what little credibility they have in claiming they cannot comply with subpoena. They are willing to provide details to friendly media, but not Congress? Willing to risk very source they claim to need to protect?
5. Back in Dec., NYT assured us it was the Papadopoulos-Downer convo that inspired FBI to launch official counterintelligence operation on July 31, 2016. Which was convenient, since it diminished the role of the dossier. However . . .```

2018-05-17 17:26:00 UTC  

```6. Now NYT tells us FBI didn't debrief downer until August 2nd. And Nunes says no "official intelligence" from allies was delivered to FBI about that convo prior to July 31. So how did FBI get Downer details? (Political actors?) And what really did inspire the CI investigation?
7. As for whether to believe line that FBI operated soberly/carefully/judiciously in 2016, a main source for this judgment is, um . . .uh . . . Sally Yates. Who was in middle of it all. A bit like asking Putin to reassure that Russia didn't meddle in our election.
8. On that, if u r wondering who narrated this story, note paragraphs that assure everybody that hardly anybody in DOJ knew about probe. Oh, and Comey also was given few details. Nobody knew nothin'! (Cuz when u require whole story saying u behaved, it means u know you didn't.)```
Now who is the conspiracy theorist?

2018-05-17 17:27:44 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:35:32 UTC  

Awan and Clinton

2018-05-17 17:36:39 UTC  

@D3M0_Anon I think they knew the leak was there to NYT. Now the paper of record has named the scandal even though nobody ever heard this name before. And this creates a hashtag searchable by anyone who wants to know about it. Precursor achieved. Remember how they demonized Mark Levin and all he did was use what the MSM had published and states on TV? They called him a conspiracist because they're so busy leaking tidbits they haven't seen have they fit together and add up. By then it was too late and the leaks added up to damning evidence, demonstrating a timeline of who knew what and when. NYT just got used.

2018-05-17 17:39:18 UTC  

Great link @Nightring

2018-05-17 17:40:00 UTC  


2018-05-17 17:41:42 UTC  
2018-05-17 17:45:38 UTC  

The replies to that tweet are fascinating. See the Gen Flynn one?