Message from @American Patriot 1776
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I read the comment thread at Katie Hopkins twitter re: #FreeTommy There are MANY patriots there. I didn't see many haters for a change.
I was watching a movie and a Detective had on a white dress shirt over his bulletproof vest. It grabbed my attention so fast that I had to go find this pic. It looks like they are wearing exact same thing. Look at her front side, no boobs at all just same from neck to below her waist. It makes me smile just thinking about her in a bpv.
Hey guys, just a heads reminder... If you spot any trolls on here please send a message to the mods. We want to keep it safe here for everyone.
New items to research!
@American Patriot 1776 I really can't tell the difference. I thought someone was a bot but accused them of being a troll instead of a bot and got fired on with both barrels. Now I keep my mouth shut. Bad attitudes are allowed. (Thanks heaven.)
Yeah i agree @Badgergirl it is hard to tell. People post links here that just don't fit with what we are talking about here. If u scroll up a few posts you might spot one i'm referring to.
It was bad here last week. People were posting things non stop filling up the entire chat and it just seemed like they were purposley doing it so you can't keep up with the chat and/or to rank up faster
@American Patriot 1776 ya. I see it now. Afraid to click on it!
yes exactly, i know u see it. But yes sometimes people post any news here no matter what it has to do with.
Yeah. I need to use off topic channel more often myself. Sometimes I get a little carried away too.
Are u listening to the youtube stream? Reed Walker is talking about underground tunnels.
Pretty crazy if they have underground tunnels worldwide by the deep state criminals to transport whatever.
Stuff does get buried fast and the forums aren't very user friendly but overall I still really like these platforms. But there is quite a lot of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. As concept matures I think there will be a little more consistency. Growing pains.
Yeah I am listening. Fascinating.
I wonder how many people in the Federal Railroad Administration were appointed by Obama ???
This is very-extremely important to ALL Americans!! <:patriotpov:426939441689526272>
@Nightring wow that's a good one!
Yeah, I'm gonna share it right now. The Arrest of Tommy Robinson: The Spirit of King Arthur Awakens
May 26, 2018 | Posted by Simon Harris | United Kingdom | 12 comments
Legend has it that whenever England is in its direst need, the spirit of King Arthur awakens and saves his people from the grave danger they are in. Apparently, he woke up during the Nazi bombing of England and I’m certain I felt him stir yesterday as Tommy Robinson was arrested outside Leeds Crown Court.
It may seem strange that I view Tommy’s arrest in a positive light but the truth is that the awakening of King Arthur is a metaphor for the moment when the spirit of the English people wakes up from its slumber of inaction and inertia. Watching from afar, it seems that time has finally arrived.
I use #Protect1A quite often. This is perfect.
I'm trying to learn the whole hashtag thing on twitter lol
Do u just type in the search bar on twitter, #protect1A?
See if that page has the hash tag in the search bar
Yeah i see it. So you make a post on Twitter and type in hashtag... along with ur post?
Yes... And also use @POTUS and #POTUS so they cant justify a shadow ban
What's WWG1WGA?
Where we go one we go all
ahhhh ok gotcha