Message from @AmericanWoman
Discord ID: 450855283971850240
Bill Ayers from The Weather Underground
Whatever happen to the pic from Q: BHO gun facing American flag????
Will never eat frog legs
This is pretty funny 😄
We will be ok and will be there to help others to pick up the pieces
We have the King on our side
Check out @JustinLumLive’s Tweet:
You have gained a rank @deannam, you just advanced to 4 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
And his father has our back
Franklin Graham is in my town!
I met his sister Ann Lotz
Hey patriots u guys know anything about Nathan from lift the veil? If so look up Sgt report Its Nathan's voice and both channels cover same stories! Example Hampstead cover up! He is playing all sides of q! Sgt report is pro q then he passes fake emails. About q on lift the veil! Check it out and let me know if u believe he's playing all sides!
@deannam you must be in Ashville?
@BeingOfLight LOVE the video👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼😂😂
I never knew you tubers were so cut throat, back stabbing but I guess it’s because of what we are dealing with and they don’t agree with it.
Tweet from Bailey Olson @B75434425 6 minutes ago:
WIRED: Israel and Russia strike deal to keep Iran/Hezbollah away from Israel-Syria border in exchange to letting Assad retake control of southern Syria.
@BeingOfLight that’s great news
I don't see the rule anywhere?
I didn’t see that rule either but one of those bot things warned me
That's messed up...
Pretty stupid
This is a long, but good thread
Got my hand slapped and didn’t know I broke a rule
What is Pam reading?
Oh well, I learned
Chat I think
Us, YouTube?
See also
Unethical human experimentation in the United States
I've been following Sarah for awhile.
Very interesting, have learned a ton about MK Ultra and the Hivites, etc.
Lots more in the thread. I'll stop posting all of her thread so that I'm not spamming. 😃
@Pamphlet Anon @RadixVerum @Thumper can one of you go over the Freedom graphic put together with Feisty - if still on air.