Message from @WeeOne

Discord ID: 451465428070563860

2018-05-30 19:11:41 UTC  

@R1V37H34D where did you find out about the stabbing?

2018-05-30 19:11:45 UTC  

@retiredDep Yep. I wish I understood what was going on better. I tweeted the article and a follower had an interesting comment.

2018-05-30 19:12:33 UTC  

@Luchadora what was the comment?

2018-05-30 19:13:18 UTC  

@retiredDep I just asked if he knew this for a fact or not, will keep you posted:

2018-05-30 19:15:05 UTC  

@Brian71976 saw that video the other day totally disgusting a billionaire letting them sleep there she could have offered them a safe place away from the studio and cleaner

2018-05-30 19:15:57 UTC  

@Brian71976 Yep, there's way too much homelessness here in Cali. We're used to Californians being homeless, but a lot of people come from different states to be homeless here because of the weather.

2018-05-30 19:16:21 UTC  

@Luchadora I can believe it, wonder if Trump team has a plan to free them from threats

2018-05-30 19:16:54 UTC  

@retiredDep I hope so. I hate to see people and families threatened.

2018-05-30 19:17:07 UTC  

@Luchadora it’s a very dangerous time we live

2018-05-30 19:18:38 UTC  

If this is true, it's huge

2018-05-30 19:20:20 UTC  

It's so sad that the veterans are treated there in California wish they would do a shelter for them but we know the Demorats won't do anything.

2018-05-30 19:20:53 UTC  

@Nightring this could be NK propaganda to keep face making it look like he making a deal-for the people and not bowing to the United States

2018-05-30 19:21:04 UTC  

@Vince Edwards what type of help have you requested? If you think it’s important create a meme, write and article, do something that we can work with. Not sure what you mean by controlled anything. We are all volunteers and patriots. Try being polite, being active, and being helpful before insulting all of the people who work hard to connect patriots and support the great awakening.

2018-05-30 19:21:34 UTC  

Is it possible that handlers have kept Kim so isolated that he didn't know his fellow countrymen were starving and living in squalor? Pyongyang is clean and orderly and everyone plays their part. Is that all he has seen? Am I being naive about things? Or are we dealing with truly evil puppeteers? Or is Kim really evil?

2018-05-30 19:21:54 UTC  

@st8blegenius is he back?

2018-05-30 19:22:14 UTC  

Why is it that Kim has 20 bodyguards around him all the time? Is it for protection? From whom? Or is it to keep him contained?

2018-05-30 19:22:25 UTC  


2018-05-30 19:23:53 UTC  

@Terry Q now that’s a good question, is it way the clowns keep Kim in line and not really knowing anything other than what they want him to know

2018-05-30 19:24:24 UTC  

for Pictures

2018-05-30 19:25:11 UTC  

@WeeOne possible

2018-05-30 19:26:35 UTC  

Sorry but that was the first thing that Popped into my head

2018-05-30 19:26:46 UTC  

@retiredDep Every time I see him on TV, I think how young he is. How could someone so young have enough knowledge to run a country? I think his sister was somehow used to keep him in line. At the Olympics VP Pence was always seated pretty close to her, but not next to her. Was this so SS could protect her without raising suspicion? And look how his brother was killed. It's all so seemingly sinister to me.

2018-05-30 19:26:47 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Terry Q, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-05-30 19:27:20 UTC  

I think they were Owned

2018-05-30 19:27:34 UTC  

@retiredDep #BREAKING: One killed and two people seriously injured in stabbing incident onboard a train in Flensburg, <#430958054775980032>; suspect also tried to attack a female police officer.

2018-05-30 19:27:52 UTC  

@Brian71976 saw that it sure does look like NRA and not NBA

2018-05-30 19:29:30 UTC  

Uggh Shepherd Smith MSM Snowflake continues his anti Trump rant

2018-05-30 19:30:37 UTC  

Tell it Dan Bongino just putting it out there

2018-05-30 19:30:59 UTC  

Cannot watch haven't for years

2018-05-30 19:31:50 UTC  

@WeeOne I only turned it on after someone here said several stabbed in Germany

2018-05-30 19:32:02 UTC  

How great thou art is an understatement. Our God is so big we can never imagine. Our eyes should be looking up for our redemption is nigh.

2018-05-30 19:32:06 UTC  

I was watching the press briefing today. Press is completely misconstruing what Gowdy said. He said the FBI did what citizens would've wanted them to do. No mention about where the supposed intel came from to warrant the spying. So far all I've seen or heard about is a big round robin of fake dossier info and 2nd hand hints to Trump campaign staffers being spyed on about supposed HRC missing emails. Still don't know where the whole thing began and what intel they used to start it.

2018-05-30 19:33:40 UTC  

I don't understand how people can hurt each other so

2018-05-30 19:33:59 UTC  

Press is still holding fast to the narrative there was no spying. Gowdy didn't say that.