Message from @ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋

Discord ID: 454504212848574464

2018-06-08 04:17:51 UTC  

@boaznerd they were talking about your story you dug on. Tried to pass on the info to streamers, but this is what I forwarded to them. Showing you some love on your dig @V77 so check this out. So Kate Spade's "suicide" was earlier this week. Kate had previously been on a "humanitarian aid" trip to Haiti with the Clinton Foundation. This relates to Laura Silsby, who was arrested for trying to sex-traffic 33 kids out of Haiti in 2010 and was protected by the Clintons. Now Kate's husband Andy Spade is wearing a mouse mask ( I did some digging. That mask is "Bernard the Mouse" from the 1977 Disney movie "The Rescuers". From Wikipedia: "The 23rd Disney animated feature film, the film is about the Rescue Aid Society, an international mouse organization headquartered in New York City and shadowing the United Nations, dedicated to helping abduction victims around the world at large. Two of these mice, jittery janitor Bernard (Bob Newhart) and his co-agent, the elegant Miss Bianca (Eva Gabor), set out to rescue Penny (Michelle Stacy), an orphan girl being held prisoner in the Devil's Bayou by treasure huntress Madame Medusa (Geraldine Page)." Weird huh?

2018-06-08 04:24:56 UTC  

good evening everyone

2018-06-08 04:25:46 UTC  


2018-06-08 04:25:51 UTC  


2018-06-08 04:26:00 UTC  


2018-06-08 04:27:44 UTC  


2018-06-08 04:28:45 UTC  

Thanks 101st Airbourne for the video with John B. Wells and Craig Sawyer , Very informative

2018-06-08 04:28:53 UTC  

Hello to all & to all hello

2018-06-08 04:29:48 UTC  


2018-06-08 04:31:02 UTC  

does anyone think there will be any good drops by tomorrow being its friday

2018-06-08 04:35:47 UTC  

John B. Wells came on 24/7 Patriots soapbox

2018-06-08 04:35:52 UTC  

and it was awesome

2018-06-08 04:36:29 UTC  

chicago thugs have gotten to where they think they can get away with anything anymore

2018-06-08 04:36:55 UTC  


2018-06-08 04:37:05 UTC  

i bet it was @ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋 sorry i missed it

2018-06-08 04:37:21 UTC

2018-06-08 04:37:28 UTC  

have to share this one again 😄

2018-06-08 04:38:27 UTC  

he has more fun than i do when i vacuume lol

2018-06-08 04:38:56 UTC  

Hmmm is right.

2018-06-08 04:39:21 UTC  

John B Wells, search, and also YouTube

2018-06-08 04:40:03 UTC  

bedtime stories, lol

2018-06-08 04:41:50 UTC  

did they discuss the ig report just wondering

2018-06-08 04:42:29 UTC  

@WayzUpUSC check out the John B Wells interview just posted

2018-06-08 04:42:44 UTC  

I think the 4 booms possibly could be the top 💸 money ppl. Roth’s, Soros, etc. idk. Just my 💭 thoughts

2018-06-08 04:43:10 UTC  

ok thanks @SighOperator

2018-06-08 04:43:53 UTC  

Been on my mind too Bella...Hope you're right

2018-06-08 04:44:16 UTC  

Idk though. Just my thoughts 💭

2018-06-08 04:46:01 UTC  

Also putting the Q+ posts together , Q together etc. maybe link by signature. Idk

2018-06-08 04:46:27 UTC  

Idk if anyone has tried that. Bigger more concise message idk

2018-06-08 04:46:40 UTC  

Q said everything has meaning

2018-06-08 04:46:41 UTC  

44 seconds of John B Wells voice work in the JFK movie

2018-06-08 04:49:46 UTC  

the symbol plus is an OPERATOR

2018-06-08 04:49:58 UTC

2018-06-08 04:50:17 UTC  

(I am NEVER going to get any sleep... ever... again)

2018-06-08 04:50:50 UTC  

sleed is what the dead do