Message from @D3M0_Anon
Discord ID: 454968950741139478
Politics and Free Speech at Dartmouth: Republicans MOST Tolerant
Austria's right-wing government plans to shut down seven mosques and expel up to 40 foreign-funded imams in crackdown against Islamist ideology
Sometimes after all the horrible things we see and hear as we search for truth is find some reassuring and comfort. We are living in times that are different from any other times in history. You can feel it! We were all born for a time such as this. The more I see and hear the more comforting is this song. If you have never heard it I hope it touches you like it touches me. I find it playing in my head a lot. God is so good to bring music to our minds to help us through this. All of us need something to keep us grounded but there is nothing better than having a relationship with God. Man may let us down but God never will.
8 Times U.S. Intelligence Set People Up To Fabricate The Russia Story
If I saw something like this I would be up the middle of them. I love this! It just excites and uplifts me!
*Joins Ripple - XRP - XRapid Currency Transaction System, ditching the current SWIFT System.
There are many ways to look at and deal with life's situations. Here is one!
Another lie to get a vote.
mornin all!
Has anyone got a link for black mirror on yt
This woman is strange. There is something wrong with her.
Thanks @D3M0_Anon
Morning fam
god these people need better infrastructure and discipline
gm @Gilaad
You have gained a rank @pages, you just advanced to 14 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!