Message from @Mee6
Discord ID: 455162218187849739
This is over in The memes I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣
@Patriotski "And What was that again Angela"
He’s the only one not reading 🤣
*true dat?*
*** hi ***
Can't say How I feel about McStain. I might get banned.
You have gained a rank @Patriotski, you just advanced to 8 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
@JustOneAnon totally I'm really good at sticking with following the changes in news! I'm a great procastonator & know's half the battle! I find less is more somtimes...don't have to push...all in good time...follow the Spirit!
Hey guys, how is everyone doing tonight?
Hi @brillanon
Great !
Hi ***American Patriot 1776***
@VioleHearts I'm thinking respectfully $$$ signs!!! It's Soros after!!!
never heard of a crazy cat dude
I like the BOLD @brillanon
@Team Q Great!
Poll: 71% Percent of Voters Say Economy Has Improved Under Trump | Breitbart
***@brillanon *** hmm
I really hope POTUS puts massive tariffs on imported Autoparts. This would be so huge, u can't even imagine.
Brother of slain DNC staffer sues Washington Times, conservative activists | TheHill
@Patriotski Congrats on rank ⬆8...on McStains' comment...he's pissed off...his corrupt $$ arrangments/kickbacks are going bye-bye ¡¡¡😢
@American Patriot 1776 how'd the settings work ...yet???