Message from @Nightring

Discord ID: 455815969965735946

2018-06-11 19:23:03 UTC  

I hope everyone is wearing your swim attire!! Big flood inc. or if you’re like me, your Birthday suit! lol

2018-06-11 19:23:27 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:23:35 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:23:46 UTC  

@dumpster John Barlow

2018-06-11 19:23:50 UTC  

wait let me picture that ... hold on

2018-06-11 19:23:57 UTC  

j/k 😛

2018-06-11 19:24:05 UTC  

I can send you a dm ahahahahah

2018-06-11 19:24:23 UTC  

@i70 - bullseye - a million points BBL

2018-06-11 19:25:54 UTC

2018-06-11 19:26:15 UTC  

It looks like WJC is speaking here tonight. I think I'll pass...he has nothing to say that I want to hear.

2018-06-11 19:26:33 UTC  

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 6bb0ab No.1701934 📁
Jun 11 2018 14:13:53 (EST)
"Asked about the letter, however, a DOJ official said Rosenstein is currently “representing the United States in a brief unrelated visit to a foreign nation, one of America’s key intelligence partners,” indicating he would plan on responding during the previously scheduled briefing on Thursday."📁
This statement should ring alarms.
Hint: Those responsible for spying (FVEY) are present.

2018-06-11 19:27:17 UTC  

Montgomery’s final order was recorded as follows: “Come on, my good soldiers, your General calls upon you to come on.”

2018-06-11 19:27:58 UTC  

DOJ refusing to give Grassley access to agent who interviewed Flynn | Fox News

2018-06-11 19:28:34 UTC

2018-06-11 19:28:34 UTC  

Hang on listening to Feisty on new Q post.

2018-06-11 19:29:08 UTC  

I visited the nation of Armenia in 1994, when it was transitioning to democracy. I delivered a lecture about laws that prohibit public corruption in the United States. When I finished, a perplexed student raised his hand. He asked, “If you can’t pay bribes in America, then how do you get electricity?”

2018-06-11 19:29:55 UTC  

The founders of the United States strongly believed that government should support private enterprise. The American Revolution was not just a political revolution. It was also an economic revolution. It was led by merchants like John Hancock, farmers like George Washington, shopkeepers like Paul Revere, and other ordinary men and women who banded together to pursue freedom.

The rebellious colonists wanted a more accountable government. They were angry about taxation without representation, and burdensome trade restrictions.

2018-06-11 19:31:23 UTC  

one of the five eyes countries

2018-06-11 19:32:17 UTC

2018-06-11 19:33:31 UTC  

When I started my first management job, I completed a computerized training program that simulated decision-making in challenging circumstances. In one scenario, I was managing a team trapped in a collapsed mine. An engineer developed a plan to detonate a small explosive and open a path out of the mine. My choices included multiple options, such as, “I have great confidence in you, go ahead,” and, “That sounds risky, let’s stop and reconsider.”

I always liked supportive supervisors. So I chose option 1: “I have great confidence in you.”

Can you guess what happened next? Of course, the mine blew up. Everybody died. That was quite a decisive lesson about leadership. It is best to learn that kind of lesson in training and not on the job.

2018-06-11 19:34:22 UTC  

Twenty years ago, one of the most popular management books in America was called “Who Moved My Cheese?” It is a fable about how to manage change. The story involves two small men who live in a maze. There is a place in the maze where they always find cheese. But one day, the cheese stops showing up in the usual spot. One man chooses to adapt to the new challenge. He ventures through the maze in search of the cheese. The other man sticks with his routine and refuses to change.

2018-06-11 19:34:30 UTC  


2018-06-11 19:34:32 UTC  

Why am I having trouble getting Q posts? Still waiting on 1459

2018-06-11 19:34:34 UTC

2018-06-11 19:34:52 UTC  

Are you guys reading this???

2018-06-11 19:35:07 UTC  
2018-06-11 19:35:16 UTC  
2018-06-11 19:35:18 UTC  

qanon.pubd isn't updating

2018-06-11 19:35:20 UTC

2018-06-11 19:35:25 UTC  
