Message from @Axiom.moixađź—ť
Discord ID: 456194741131018265
@TomCatTrump(USA) That is one of the most amazing video of President Trump. POTUS was and is always ready!
Pretty much every day.
Looks like RR is fighting back, big time:
here's the thing
there are both parties on that commission
Nunes has nothing to hide I bet
who might?
Nunes seems to have nothing to hide. hope it holds
I bet a lot of them have plenty to hide.
I thought those looked liked clouds with peaks
Merkel needs to go to a gulag
Sorry guys, wrong link..
Anyone have the link to that article @Deadcat t was reading? I am on the guardian website but not finding it.
Would Adam Schiff want his emails mixed up in an investigation?
In the livestream playback video from RT, reporters can be heard chatting on a hot mic. In the clip, someone says, “Hey, if they’re not gonna let me in the fu*king meeting, that’s what happens!” […] “That’s the way it goes, baby.”
Oh, I'm sure Schiff wouldn't, lol. He's in enough trouble as it is.
Interesting article
How about Peter King even?
how about it's a play to force the mess with Awan into the light. "Can't provide them"
sorry what?
no server
oh, no prob... we gotcha backup out here in Utah
The thing that concerns me is if the deep state is threatening the families of good congressmen and women.
you make a valid point
RR in the open looks good to me... Q says no
I hope they've taken really good steps to keep them safe.