Message from @Catshead

Discord ID: 456447621540741120

2018-06-13 13:13:30 UTC  
2018-06-13 13:14:38 UTC  

On Saturday, June 9 at 10:30 AM eastern time, President Donald Trump departed the G7 meeting in Quebec for the much-publicized, historic, meeting with North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un, Scheduled for June 12.

About ten hours into the flight to Singapore, the White House put through a call from North Korea to President Trump aboard Air Force One. Kim Jong Un was allegedly CANCELLING the summit.

Intelligence sources tell me that very heated exchanges took place on that phone call. They also tell me that Kim flatly told Trump his country would not denuclearize and there was nothing the US could do about it. He then allegedly hung up on President Trump!

Furious, Trump ordered an IMMEDIATE secure video teleconference between Air Force One where he and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (who was also onboard the plane) spoke with Defense Secretary James Mattis and CIA Director Gina Haspel. The consensus during that video conference was that Kim would only understand the gravity of the position he was in, the severity of the issues at-hand, and US determination, through the immediate use of American force.

President Trump was about to make Kim Jong Un "an offer he can't refuse" - We've launched a missile at your capital city to prove we mean business. Either you agree right now to be at the Summit in Singapore on the 12th, or your country will be wiped out - today. "

No one figured that a weather guy in Washington state would have a time-lapse camera taking pictures off Washington state at the moment the offer (i.e. missile) was launched . . .

2018-06-13 13:14:53 UTC  

@SpicyPhenomAnon how are you?

2018-06-13 13:16:10 UTC  

@Derik aka Indy News More stiff than anything today. Prayers worked tremendously. Although, sitting here again will probably make for a bad evening. How are you ?? thanks for asking. I know you were there last night when I bowed out but didn't really want to.

2018-06-13 13:17:24 UTC  

@SighOperator What is the source of your post?

2018-06-13 13:17:32 UTC  

@SpicyPhenomAnon everything is good.. i hope you get better!! i didnt mind bowing out.. i knew it was there time to come on

2018-06-13 13:18:02 UTC  
2018-06-13 13:18:15 UTC  
2018-06-13 13:19:05 UTC  

It was a partial article--full for subscribers only. I had posted the text only due to request. Here is the link

2018-06-13 13:19:55 UTC  

No! I mean I'm the one that bowed out. !! I don't speak badly about on air mods. I dig all of you in my own special way. Only thing I might shout is sit up NINJA !! or don't cut your head off pamphlet..!!

2018-06-13 13:20:45 UTC  

Although, Pamphlet needed a live chat mom last night so I kicked in!!

2018-06-13 13:20:48 UTC  

wergens? lol

2018-06-13 13:21:32 UTC

SEATTLE (AP) β€” Authorities say 47 people in Washington state were arrested as part of a nationwide operation to identify and disrupt those who produce, trade and view online images and videos of children being raped and molested.

Nice job!!!

2018-06-13 13:21:47 UTC  

sighoperater is the Hal Hunter radio show some of source for the strange weather forecast?

2018-06-13 13:23:14 UTC  

I have had strange weather here in the last two days. 60 mph winds and raining in sheets..lost trees, big branches..didn't even have rain in the forecast on Monday.

2018-06-13 13:23:14 UTC  

You have gained a rank @SpicyPhenomAnon, you just advanced to 6 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-06-13 13:24:37 UTC  

@SpicyPhenomAnon are you on the central gulf coast area?

2018-06-13 13:25:09 UTC  

@Pawhuska Yeah, in on the water.

2018-06-13 13:25:23 UTC  

soccer is the socialist sport--lots of running around and nothing gets accomplished

2018-06-13 13:26:18 UTC  

@SighOperator I have never gotten soccer.. Kickball is much more fun. I mean, I get it. just not here in America. !!

2018-06-13 13:26:21 UTC  

@SpicyPhenomAnon I live on the water near Galveston Bay

2018-06-13 13:26:32 UTC

2018-06-13 13:26:49 UTC  


2018-06-13 13:26:58 UTC  

@Pawhuska Oh wow. I hope that storm doesn't veer more northwesterly for sure.