Message from @romotec
Discord ID: 457451474503335936
@Sparks2591 -- Here it is
Thats the way i feel most people are good but not awake
what 3/4 families?
I assume the 4th refers to the saudis?
I am ready for the military Tribunals but many are not and will freak if trump does that
Edenvision...they have a website. It looks like you can buy a ticket to livestream it.
Sooner or later though we need to do that regardless of how people feel we need to get these monsters behind bars
Check out @JudicialWatch’s Tweet:
LOL ha well luke has the same hair ha
Check out @FoxNews’s Tweet:
Check out @WhiteHouse’s Tweet:
Check out @JudicialWatch’s Tweet:
New name for white house is the Castle
Check out @JudicialWatch’s Tweet:
Check out @TomFitton’s Tweet:
Check out @JoelOsteen’s Tweet:
Check out @JudicialWatch’s Tweet:
@Sparks2591 --- @ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ᴀɢᴇɴᴛ🐉🦋 -- Check this out -- this was in 2007
Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet:
i wish YT had the diversity of Discord, YT stinks no links, no Memes YT is very constraining,
@Catz721 yt is only a lure to get people here where you can have a voice✌
You have gained a rank @romotec, you just advanced to 8 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Trump Kind of Trolled fox basically told them no one would watch them, if they did not get behind him and its True 90% of libs follow CNN not fox
Wonder what was in that Taylor,Mi Garage?!
True i talked to Military and they told me Get Water Get Food because SHTF that was before Trump won. Had Hillary won we would be looking at a military COUP thank god it did not come to that it would of been chaos
I hear you I am muted but following the Chat
This board is for Q, and the autists....what is "autists"
well not Muted actually have it set to hotkey
we are the new movement! we are the path and place for the lost, we here are the ones who energize each other to help give focus and strength to support the forces of good and the trump train we are the ones at the top of the hole helping and there for us when we also slip in!@wookie
I found Q a week ago, totally hooked, wife thinks i'm obsessed trying to understand the codes, but she listens....great wife ❤
i was on the fence until Pizzagate that i became a solid believer in good. Seeing such evil made me a believer