Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 458601032768028672

2018-06-19 11:50:53 UTC  

The MSM press corps media’s only mission is to attend these White House briefings to disrupt them and misrepresent what was said.
The defining characteristic of the White House press corps: They don't listen

2018-06-19 11:52:39 UTC  

Threatened by the truth - Julian Assange anniversary

2018-06-19 11:52:40 UTC  

2,192 Days of Confinement: Assange's 6 Years in Ecuadorian Embassy in Numbers

2018-06-19 11:55:05 UTC  

Laura Bush shows her true colors.

2018-06-19 11:55:05 UTC  

You have gained a rank @TheKath, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-06-19 11:56:52 UTC  

UFO Invasion? People Stunned By Aerial Flashes Over Russia (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

2018-06-19 12:04:40 UTC  

r we still digging for french speakers?

2018-06-19 12:05:26 UTC  

fossils my ass, reminds me of cowboys and indians......this wasn't India!

2018-06-19 12:05:57 UTC  

would john kerry fit the bill?Is John Kerry Afraid to Speak French on American Soil?
Dan Amira
At his very first press conference less than three weeks ago, Secretary of State John Kerry was asked to answer a Canadian reporter’s question in French. “Uh, not today, I gotta refresh myself on that,” he told her, despite his well-known fluency in the language. The refusal “surprised some in the francophone world,” according to the BBC, but it turns out that Kerry doesn’t have a problem with speaking French, per se, because he did it today during a press conference with the French foreign minister:

2018-06-19 12:06:03 UTC  


2018-06-19 12:08:41 UTC  

@silowetr John Kerry was my first thought on the French speaker, and I'm no wizard--just had a feeling