Message from @Pawhuska

Discord ID: 458629441757904917

2018-06-19 13:39:55 UTC  

Fact of the Day NYC homeowners can request that a tree be planted outside their homes for free.

2018-06-19 13:41:00 UTC  

NYS trying to get rid of cash bail
June 13, 2018 09:12 AM

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - The New York state Assembly has voted to eliminate the requirement for cash bail in most criminal cases.

The Democrat-controlled chamber endorsed the measure Tuesday. It now moves to the Senate, where it's expected to face significant opposition in the Republican-led body.

The bill would prohibit cash bail except in violent felony cases. Instead, defendants could be subjected to community supervision, travel restrictions or electronic monitoring. Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has proposed similar legislation.

Supporters say requiring monetary bail is inherently unfair since it allows suspects with financial resources to go free while those without must wait in jail until their trials begin.

Opponents in the Assembly said eliminating cash bail would send the wrong message about crime and potentially put victims of crimes such as domestic violence at risk.

2018-06-19 13:41:30 UTC  

guess no one likes a good movie. the end of all Italian movies are "Fine", LOL.

2018-06-19 13:41:35 UTC  

Look I learned to cut and paste, it makes so much easier

2018-06-19 13:42:48 UTC  

Well...looks like the talking points ref: Q are out...thus it begins.

2018-06-19 13:42:51 UTC  

@SighOperator bud spencer and terrence hill

2018-06-19 13:46:43 UTC

2018-06-19 13:48:04 UTC

2018-06-19 13:49:09 UTC  

must. escape. bed. confinement. for. coffee.

2018-06-19 13:49:39 UTC  

@Deleted User good morning ?

2018-06-19 13:53:31 UTC  

@silowetr saw one slap scene so far, hmmm

2018-06-19 13:56:39 UTC  

latest don tweetDemocrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!

2018-06-19 13:58:58 UTC tired of their sick and evil satanic ideation and symbolism

2018-06-19 13:59:04 UTC

2018-06-19 13:59:23 UTC  

nooooooo... cannot have coffee... vaso constrictor instead of vaso dilator

2018-06-19 13:59:30 UTC  

may die

2018-06-19 13:59:51 UTC Drone with a Flamethrower cleaning things up....

2018-06-19 13:59:52 UTC  

from coffee lack

2018-06-19 14:00:41 UTC  

@trusty rusty ✌ let's hope they don't deploy these to unwanted Teslas in the dark