Message from @Kathryn44
Discord ID: 459793665305608232
South Africa! !!!!
Good Lord, we need some good news to break up the overload of all the sick evil deeds being exposed now..... Dear Lord, Let your Love and Light shine down upon and around us to keep us safe and sound of mind in these evil times.
The angel family stories 😭😤🤯
Swedish Indian???
Unconvinced, Greenwald replied sarcastically that he had “always wanted so badly to have monarchs that I could bow to,” calling the UK “one of the most authoritarian in the West.”
woohoo, 35 miles midway between 2 metro areas
Killed by illegals
The lying msm
Works finally over
not hearing him
@prestige1911 hey
you mean tomorrow is here?
If we’re talking Pedos, it’s agenda-12
Or 6
@V77 what's crack-a-lackin'? Anything new? All I heard was the 4th amendment win regards to phone location/warrants
I just sorta barfed
Is that a shrimp?
Holy F*** that’s a human?!?
I think a doll of a human