Message from @B єℓℓα verità
Discord ID: 460213043884851228
CHARLESTON, WV (WOWK) - UPDATE (6/22/18 4:30 PM):
West Virginia Speaker Tim Armstead and Senate President Mitch Carmichael are calling on the Joint Judiciary Committee to begin considering impeachment proceedings.
The legislative leaders are requesting the Joiint Judiciary Committee, as part of its June 2018 interim meetings, initiate a process of reviewing all available information for the purpose of evaluating impeachment proceedings which may be necessary for any member or members of the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals.
"Investigations regarding the troubling allegations at the West Virginia Supreme Court have been ongoing, including by legislative auditors. There is an ample and sufficient body of evidence available for your Committee to begin a review of these matters. We require that the committee and staff immediately review all available evidence, including the Legislative Audit reports produced this year by the Legislative Auditor regarding the Supreme Court, the Judicial Investigation Committee complaint filed against Justice Loughry, and the Federal indictment which has been returned against Justice Loughry and any related materials," Armstead and Carmichael said in a letter to Senator Charles Trump and Delegate John Shott.
The leadership said the most efficient and time-effective manner of considering impeachment proceedings is for a subcommittee of the Joint Judiciary committee to undertake an immediate review of this matter as part of the open and public interim process. This review would allow the committee to reach a determination of whether it wishes to introduce and consider articles of impeachment against one or more members of the Supreme Court of Appeals as well as to consider and recommend to the leadership additional action deemed appropriate in relation to the current matters relating to the court.
United Nations btfo
Welcome to the Obama Foundation
Rainbows and Serpents
If impeachment proceedings become necessary, leaders say they will work with Governor Justice to request a special session.
Muh change and hope
United Nations needs to pack there trash and get out.
Justice Allen Loughry has plead not-guilty to the 22 federal charges brought by a grand jury earlier this week. Loughry will be back in court August 7th for a pretrial hearing.
Yes indeed.
plenty of people 🤣
Yes Sir.
@B єℓℓα verità trying to be the head of the UN
@V77 maybe
You have gained a rank @Positive Explorer, you just advanced to 7 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
@B єℓℓα verità or trying to hid? 🤔
Ever hear of the 'Downwinders' ? Welcome to my family.
@B єℓℓα verità yep. He’s very dark and a Snake 🐍🔨
Ask the Experts about Polio Vaccines (IPV) - CDC experts answer Q&As
Immunization Schedule
@Rebel_Angel is that real? F-ing Hell 🤐
F vaccines...
@SighOperator my sides 🤣
@Rebel_Angel even his lawyer hates him look at his eyes 👀
don't effect mine either... none of my kids or grands have had them... and never been on antibiotics etc either EVER
MTV gen
Lets hold down the Gates family and give them a dose of reality!
or a giant dose of fentynyl
vaccine them
Start with waking them up by explaining mind control...