Message from @silowetr

Discord ID: 461057608032190466

2018-06-26 06:34:20 UTC  

The list in 2nd Timothy is pretty spot on

2018-06-26 06:34:22 UTC  

Thanksgiving Day Stuffing

2018-06-26 06:34:27 UTC  

about how the world will get

2018-06-26 06:34:41 UTC  

So........Stuff acceptable? 🤔

2018-06-26 06:35:01 UTC  

>>>>For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

2018-06-26 06:35:09 UTC  

i mean really 😃 lol

2018-06-26 06:35:10 UTC

2018-06-26 06:35:20 UTC  

stuff up

2018-06-26 06:35:20 UTC  

Since 1956

2018-06-26 06:35:40 UTC  


2018-06-26 06:36:06 UTC  

I see Stuffy people

2018-06-26 06:36:07 UTC  


2018-06-26 06:36:35 UTC  

not stuffy here

2018-06-26 06:36:49 UTC  

we become like stars

2018-06-26 06:37:10 UTC  

Wasnt it the O administration that repealed the propaganda law

2018-06-26 06:37:47 UTC  

evil needs the dark to hide what it is, they are trying to turn the lights out so they dont need to hide

2018-06-26 06:38:02 UTC  

rabbits = ground poultry

2018-06-26 06:38:14 UTC  

The only game i had was duck hunt

2018-06-26 06:38:19 UTC  

@dumpster me u same

2018-06-26 06:38:22 UTC  

that stupid laughing dog pissed me off

2018-06-26 06:38:35 UTC  


2018-06-26 06:38:46 UTC  

Amen bacfa

2018-06-26 06:39:01 UTC  

got a gun for 13th bday

2018-06-26 06:39:33 UTC  

Yeah, I was putting up tobacco when I was 6

2018-06-26 06:39:35 UTC  

we went hunting all. the. time

2018-06-26 06:39:44 UTC  

and fishing

2018-06-26 06:39:52 UTC  


2018-06-26 06:40:02 UTC  

horses if we were lucky

2018-06-26 06:40:04 UTC  

Back then ..They used books for kids to brainwash them

2018-06-26 06:40:05 UTC  

burn things

2018-06-26 06:40:08 UTC  


2018-06-26 06:40:12 UTC  

walk in the woods

2018-06-26 06:40:17 UTC  

back yard blow=up

2018-06-26 06:40:21 UTC  

get lost in the woods in a thunderstorm

2018-06-26 06:40:24 UTC  

What did I miss lol. I’m like ummm

2018-06-26 06:40:27 UTC  

break windows

2018-06-26 06:40:30 UTC  


2018-06-26 06:40:37 UTC  

1st car when i was 11

2018-06-26 06:40:54 UTC  

We rode bicycles every day from morning till nite.