Message from @Gadget Lady (CAN)

Discord ID: 461544480315670569

2018-06-27 14:44:15 UTC  

Poland makes partial U-turn on controversial Holocaust law | World news | The Guardian

2018-06-27 14:44:45 UTC

2018-06-27 14:44:45 UTC  

You have gained a rank @KeithG57, you just advanced to 14 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-06-27 14:44:50 UTC  
2018-06-27 14:44:56 UTC  

EVIL is ugly

2018-06-27 14:45:29 UTC  

Anyone getting new out of Iran ? Hearing major protests/riots breaking out across entire country. CClashes with police and IRG !!

2018-06-27 14:46:04 UTC

2018-06-27 14:46:05 UTC  

@Pawhuska we are the light bearers now trump has lit our torches

2018-06-27 14:46:13 UTC  

Riots are continuing

2018-06-27 14:46:14 UTC

2018-06-27 14:47:26 UTC  
2018-06-27 14:47:59 UTC

2018-06-27 14:48:05 UTC  

No outside communications

2018-06-27 14:48:26 UTC  

ICE employees just received a message from DHS Federal Protective Service to Shelter in Place at the ICE Headquarters in D.C. This was initiated due to a planned, non-permitted protest. How can a group "plan" a non-permitted protest???? Seems it should be easy to stop since the action without a permit is not legal. I say it's time for DHS to take some action because bullying ICS employees and doxing their families falls under a federal statute that makes it a felony.

2018-06-27 14:49:57 UTC  

@V77 the reason I did not watch the video . Q drops are sufficent for me

2018-06-27 14:53:44 UTC  

@Pawhuska the video was effective in it gave a rundown for regular folks who don’t know what’s going on. Different than those who are claiming insider knowledge or that the military is leaking any info to (you) of what is going on in the White House. 🙄

2018-06-27 14:56:26 UTC  

It’s human nature and the ego that drives us to attempt to evaluate ourselves over others. Free of this desire is inner peace. Humility. The Beauty of Anons. ♥️🇺🇸😃✌🏻 Where we go one we go all as regular folks. 👌🏻

2018-06-27 14:57:42 UTC  

@V77 good point I see the value for others. I was just being purist

2018-06-27 14:58:27 UTC  

CNN Falls To Food Network In Last Week’s Ratings

2018-06-27 14:59:23 UTC  

In my opinion any compromise of the Liberties our Constitution guarantees is not worth the cost. If the legal interventions into personal choices were removed, like the documentary Kat mentioned, the problem resolves itself.

2018-06-27 15:00:28 UTC  

@Pawhuska As is your Right! You was use generally here. I try to be a humble grasshopper. 🤣

2018-06-27 15:00:30 UTC

2018-06-27 15:00:42 UTC  


2018-06-27 15:01:10 UTC  

Federal Judge Orders Immigrant Family Reunification Within 30 days — Ends Family Separation

2018-06-27 15:01:41 UTC

2018-06-27 15:01:43 UTC  

We upheld a similar law in Abood v. Detroit Bd. of Ed., 431 U. S. 209 (1977), and we recognize the importance of following precedent unless there are strong reasons for not doing so. But there are very strong reasons in this case. Fundamental free speech rights are at stake. Abood was poorly reasoned. It has led to practical problems and abuse. It is inconsistent with other First Amendment cases and has been undermined by more recent decisions. Developments since Abood was handed down have shed new light on the issue of agency fees, and no reliance interests on the part of public-sector unions are sufficient to justify the perpetuation of the free speech violations

2018-06-27 15:01:52 UTC  

He has that Franciscan monk look

2018-06-27 15:01:54 UTC  

@V77 CUTE, I did the caps for you regarding MEE^

2018-06-27 15:02:37 UTC  

Kegan & Sotomayor with a purely emotional dissent..

2018-06-27 15:02:41 UTC  

Rarely if ever has the Court overruled a decision—let alone one of this import—with so little regard for the usual principles of stare decisis. There are no special justifications for reversing Abood. It has proved workable. No recent developments have eroded its underpinnings. And it is deeply entrenched, in both the law and the real world. More than 20 States have statutory schemes built on the decision. Those laws underpin thousands of ongoing contracts involving millions of employees. Reliance interests do not come any stronger than those surrounding Abood. And likewise, judicial disruption does not get any greater than what the Court does today. I respectfully dissent. I

2018-06-27 15:02:50 UTC  

We get caught up in our mind. Our thoughts become our identity. The thinker takes over. We get stuck in our head. We are far more than this. 🌞💫 💛

2018-06-27 15:03:00 UTC  

Dirty: Comey Had Team of ‘Cleaners’ To Deal with Agents Who Wouldn’t Play Ball on Clinton Probe – True PunditTrue Pundit