Message from @Semtex
Discord ID: 461649944189599744
Tariffs ☝️☝️☝️
I still get this sneaking ugly feeling that bio weapons and Trac tech is going show up
Antifa is plotting and planning on kicking off a Civil War, the first wave will be low level, the second level will be trained Para Military groups. WE at Oathkeepers are calling for all able bodied Veterans to answer the call in there areas to protect the Sovereign peoples of you communities in case of Civil Unrest. Please remain calm and stay professional, WE are trained for this and stand to protect life and property WWG1WGA
Preview of the coming spin and talk point Re: New SCOTUS via your MSM
Click tweet to see the Chuck Todd tweet Sean is responding to
I personally think its a terrible idea to trust anyone implicitly
IMHO Romney will do what the leadership of his church wants him to do/vote/think. They meddle in politics behind closed doors. If the LDS leaders like Trump, Romney will too.
And then Michael Jackson’s father died today I guess. Ummm
🚨 These people are Stupid
uhg Thats atrocious
@Lopeover I hope so seems like they keep moving the "deadline" I guess its' not a very good deadline if you keep moving it. LOL
not a democrazy
drives me nuts
I totally agree @Deleted User
@Lopeover IMO July 4th.
Maybe if we flood him with appreciation, he’ll really work for us. As my mother once said, “You catch more flys with honey...” the world turns...