Message from @Yuma County
Discord ID: 303053590300196867
its just wrong
Lmao they think theyre revolutionaries
Theyre all so skinny and weak
That or theyre severely over wieght
funny thing really, my family has being physically removing commies since 1932
It's weird, sometimes I just think they're joking because it's all so strange.
Thats a good bloodline youve got there
I posted angela merkel's nudes and it got deleted
i hate these worthless commie fucks. watching them get fucked up today was glorious.
great grandpa and grandpa shot any commies that tried to seize their means of production
You're actually Mexican right?
my uncle was in a no shit Anti-Com death squad and my dad was a spy for them
nice meme
further down the diarrhea trail
You're like the Mexicans of central America.
fagtifa are saying they won in Berkeley
Is communism popular in el salvador?
some faggot tried a revolution in 1932
to whoever tried to rape me in the vet room know that I do not have a mic
got over half the indian population killed