Message from @trusty rusty ✌

Discord ID: 465162867885211649

2018-07-07 14:23:38 UTC  

or the gallows?

2018-07-07 14:26:41 UTC

2018-07-07 14:27:24 UTC  

More info in this article @Sara ...

2018-07-07 14:29:11 UTC  

⛳ Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson Planning $10 Million One-on-One Showdown Match 🏌

2018-07-07 14:30:09 UTC

2018-07-07 14:30:48 UTC  


2018-07-07 14:31:10 UTC

2018-07-07 14:31:55 UTC  

My coffee says: "Trust the plan!"

2018-07-07 14:32:17 UTC

2018-07-07 14:34:22 UTC  

YEah, a Georgia Guide Stone beliver, for sure

2018-07-07 14:36:34 UTC  

TOKYO — Torrents of rainfall and flooding battered a widespread area in southwestern Japan on Saturday, with local media casualty reports climbing quickly. Public broadcaster NHK said 38 people were dead, four were injured seriously and 47 were missing.

Television footage showed a residential area in Okayama prefecture seeped in brown water spreading like a huge lake. Some people fled to rooftops and balconies and waved furiously at hovering rescue helicopters.

Okayama prefecture said a man caught in a landslide died, and six others were missing. Evacuation orders had been issued to more than 360,000 people, the prefecture said in a statement.

Throughout the affected areas, parked cars sat in pools of water. NHK TV said water had reached as high as 5 meters (16 feet) in the worst-hit areas.

Kyodo news service, which put the death tally at 34 people, said one death was in a landslide in Hiroshima, which had set off a fire, while the body of a child was found in another area. NHK said a woman died in her home in Hiroshima when it got buried in a mudslide.

Assessing overall casualties was a challenge because of the widespread damage. NHK repeatedly urged those awaiting rescue to not lose hope.

In Ehime prefecture, a woman was found dead on the second floor of a home hit by a landslide, Kyodo said. Also in Ehime, two elementary-school girls and their mother who got sucked into a mudslide were rescued but their hearts weren’t beating, it said.

Kyoto prefecture said it was working to control flooding at several dams and identified one fatality as a 52-year-old woman.

Military water trucks were rushing to areas where water systems were no longer working, Okayama prefecture said. Troops in camouflage outfits helped people and pets reach dry land on small military boats.

Evacuation orders or advisories were sent for 4.72 million people, and 48,000 members of the Self-Defense Forces, police and firefighters were mobilized for search missions, according to Kyodo.

2018-07-07 14:38:45 UTC  

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- A Democratic candidate for Congress in Wisconsin seeking to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan has been arrested nine times, including in 1998 for drunken driving in Michigan.

Randy Bryce apologized for the 1998 arrest on his website Friday after it was first reported by CNN. Bryce is a union iron worker who goes by the nickname "Iron Stache" and has built a national following and fundraising base in his quest to replace the retiring Ryan.

Bryce says the arrest was "dumb" and "inexcusable." He says, "I was immature and made a horrible, thoughtless decision."

CNN reports that after having his license suspended following his 1998 drunken driving arrest in Michigan, Bryce was arrested three more times for driving with a suspended license and registration in Wisconsin.

He faces Janesville teacher Cathy Myers in the Aug. 14 primary.

2018-07-07 14:40:10 UTC  

alien technology is in plain sight . . . I have visited 4 crop circles, one was fake . . . . the difference is astounding . . . I cannot say whether they are made by aliens, or natives to earth . . . but i am 100% CERTAIN that they are made by a HIGHLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY:,+images&client=ubuntu&hs=uXW&channel=fs&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi43I7Qm43cAhVIAcAKHZyHB4sQsAQIKA

2018-07-07 14:41:34 UTC  

we will not be given, nor allowed to develop such technologies unless or until we show ourselves to be responsible wit the toys we already have