Message from @retiredDep

Discord ID: 465348120717426689

2018-07-08 02:40:51 UTC

2018-07-08 02:41:31 UTC  

barbed wire?

2018-07-08 02:41:46 UTC  

Ben is on fire lately!

2018-07-08 02:41:48 UTC  

Martial law is a slippery slope. Someone can have the best of intentions. IMO

2018-07-08 02:41:54 UTC  

Two student reporters who covered a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas were invited to share their experiences at a week-long journalism program in New York.

2018-07-08 02:42:14 UTC  

DAHBOO77: US Military Vows to Keep Gulf Open After Iran Sends Out Warning Statements (

2018-07-08 02:42:43 UTC  

#BREAKING: The Haitian government suspended a fuel price hike Saturday hours after demonstrators attacked a Best Western Premier hotel in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of the capital –

2018-07-08 02:43:08 UTC  

Fluoridation is mass medication, NZ Supreme Court rules | Real News A (

2018-07-08 02:43:55 UTC  

HYPOCRISY: Anti-2A Sheriff Scott Israel Hires Same Attorney as Parkland Shooter Gun Sellers (

2018-07-08 02:45:56 UTC  

John McCain: For Whom The Bell Tolls - Watch the HBO Original Documentary | HBO

2018-07-08 02:46:05 UTC  


2018-07-08 02:46:32 UTC  

Antifa = gangs

2018-07-08 02:46:39 UTC  

God is not peaceful that is where you have failed, all of you!!!!

2018-07-08 02:46:42 UTC  

Told you HOGG is behind Chicago protest
Our main goal is for this midterm to be the most well-attended ever," said Cameron Kasky, a survivor of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida that left 17 dead.
The town hall is part of a nationwide "Road to Change" tour organized by March for Our Lives, a student-led organization started after the shooting.
"The reason we're here today isn't to take anybody's guns away. It's to listen," survivor David Hogg said.
Irving Firefighters Contain House Fire; Pets Possibly Unaccounted For
Hogg took his mission directly to the street Saturday.
As the town hall was underway inside the college's gym, Hogg confronted pro-gun protesters outside. It was a peaceful conversation about how both sides can find common ground.
"This is where America is. It's the middle ground. It's the understanding that we have our differences and it's understanding that we have a lot more in common a lot of the time than we assume," Hogg said.

2018-07-08 02:47:10 UTC  


2018-07-08 02:48:16 UTC  

Torrents of rainfall and flooding battered a widespread area in southwestern Japan on Saturday, with local media casualty reports climbing quickly. Public broadcaster NHK said 38 people were dead, four were injured seriously and 47 were missing.
Television footage showed a residential area in Okayama prefecture seeped in brown water spreading like a huge lake, NBC News reported. Some people fled to rooftops and balconies and waved furiously at hovering rescue helicopters.
Okayama prefecture said a man caught in a landslide died, and six others were missing. Evacuation orders had been issued to more than 360,000 people, the prefecture said in a statement.
Throughout the affected areas, parked cars sat in pools of water. NHK TV said water had reached as high as 16 feet in the worst-hit areas.

2018-07-08 02:48:25 UTC  

Guys @Benzschwagel is trying to share. Plz be mindful of everyone. Thx 😊

2018-07-08 02:48:37 UTC  

Someone is driving and managing Hogg - Adults somewhere behind him making things possible, for sure.

2018-07-08 02:48:59 UTC  

@MJ Hogg is definitely being stage managed

2018-07-08 02:49:22 UTC  
2018-07-08 02:49:42 UTC  

Thanx though

2018-07-08 02:49:49 UTC  


2018-07-08 02:49:49 UTC  

@Benzschwagel Any idea which carriers have launched 5G?

2018-07-08 02:50:01 UTC  

@SCPatriot he’s trying to share with the group

2018-07-08 02:50:49 UTC  

@bellaverita I know but he's having trouble getting in and they're on a different tooic.

2018-07-08 02:51:45 UTC  

Cardstock signs and painted bedsheets calling for the end of ICE adorned the front of Philadelphia’s City Hall after protesters moved away from the ICE offices on 8th and Cherry streets in order to make more direct demands to Mayor Kenney.
Protesters relocated Friday after nearly 30 people were detained and issued citations for allegedly refusing to move out of the walkways in front of ICE offices on Thursday.
More Arrests, Camp Destroyed at ICE Protest in Philly
Since the move, protesters have refocused their efforts and are now concentrating on their demand that Philadelphia end an agreement with the Department of Homeland Security that gives ICE access to city arrest and arraignment records filed in the Preliminary Arraignment Reporting System, commonly known as PARS.
“We want to take this straight to the top and meet with the mayor and city council every day until Mayor Kenney meets the demands of this occupation,” Project Liberation, one of the groups organizing the protest said in a statement on Facebook. “We simply will occupy this space until Mayor Kenney ends the disgusting Pars agreement.”
'Dismantle ICE:' Protesters Camp Out In Front of Philly HQ
The PARS agreement is set to expire in August 31, but city officials can choose whether or not to resign it. Mayor Kenney believes the issue of whether or not to resign could threaten ongoing litigation over Philadelphia’s status as a sanctuary city.
“The City’s Welcoming City litigation against the Department of Justice is not over, as the DOJ still has the option to appeal. We are careful in our interactions with ICE while the litigation is pending because the decision has had national implications, including for other welcoming cities,” Kenney said in a statement on behalf of the city.

2018-07-08 02:52:03 UTC  

Despite these potential bureaucratic complications, Kenney sympathized with the protesters.
“The frustration I have is that I can’t abolish ICE. If I could I would. I don’t agree with ICE. It’s sad but I agree with the protesters,” Kenney said.
In addition to their demand that Kenney end the PARS agreement, protesters are pressing for the closure of an immigrant family detention center in Berks County. They plan to remain outside City Hall and have put out a call for supplies, including vegan food, sleeping bags and yoga mats, on their Facebook page.
Kenney said that the protesters are welcome to remain outside City Hall, as long as they follow the law. He plans to make a decision on the PARS agreement before the August 31 deadline.

2018-07-08 02:52:26 UTC