Message from @B єℓℓα verità

Discord ID: 465353595278327808

2018-07-08 03:04:01 UTC  

Risk adjustment is a key aspect of market stabilization under the ACA, also known as Obamacare. The program transfers funding from plans with lower-risk enrollees to higher-risk ones in an effort to even out the market and "encourage insurers to compete based on the value and efficiency of their plans rather than by attracting healthier enrollees," according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.

The move reported by the WSJ follows other efforts by the Trump administration to try to chip away at the landmark health care law. In June, the administration said it wouldn't defend central portions of Obamacare in federal court, claiming that key provisions should be invalidated and that the individual mandate is unconstitutional. In October 2017, the White House announced it would end Obamacare cost-sharing payments that helped lower-income enrollees pay for health care.

The WSJ's report also comes as insurers appeared to be warming back up to the ACA. Insurers were entering or returning to at least a dozen states for 2019 enrollment, while others were expanding their presence in the states in which they operate.

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2018-07-08 03:04:38 UTC  
2018-07-08 03:06:03 UTC  
2018-07-08 03:06:04 UTC  

THAILAND CAVE RESCUE: Thai authorities have asked media to leave the area around the entrance of the cave where 12 boys and their soccer coach have been trapped for 2 weeks, fueling speculation that a rescue mission could be imminent.

2018-07-08 03:07:25 UTC  

Vise mayor of Charlottesville was a member of BLM/Black panthers

2018-07-08 03:07:39 UTC

2018-07-08 03:08:20 UTC

2018-07-08 03:08:55 UTC  

Intercession, please pray specifically for Pres Trump’s protection as some of his advisory board may have been compromised. The religious leaders have tolerated Hillary and let her get away with evil. Prophet Mark Taylor said the day that Hillary is cast into jail, and she WILL go to jail, that will be a sign that Jezebel has been cast down. Wow!

2018-07-08 03:09:07 UTC  

Omg Bella! Great find

2018-07-08 03:09:23 UTC  

Watch a rally downtown aimed at pressuring AG Curtis Hill to resign following allegations he groped four women.


2018-07-08 03:09:37 UTC  

Ex clinton foundation

2018-07-08 03:10:23 UTC  

A petty call to police
In the online post, the person who took the video explains that the woman called the police on her family because her boyfriend was wearing socks while he dangled his feet in the pool>>

2018-07-08 03:10:54 UTC

2018-07-08 03:11:06 UTC  

The move puts Oklahoma gun owners in a conflict 25 other states are facing between state and federal laws governing guns and marijuana. Do YOU think cardholders should be allowed to possess guns?

2018-07-08 03:11:42 UTC  

Liberty is a term of maritime/admiralty law; Liberty is granted. A sovereign has no higher power than their self to choose what to do or not to do. A sovereign is insulted to be called a citizen(subject).

2018-07-08 03:11:57 UTC  

Getz and Jordan Vanderslot🚨🚨🚨

2018-07-08 03:13:00 UTC  

@bellaverita are you sure that's Joran?

2018-07-08 03:13:31 UTC  

Joran van der Sloot - Wikipedia
🚨🚨🚨 Natalie Holloway🚨🚨

2018-07-08 03:13:33 UTC

2018-07-08 03:14:33 UTC  

Yes and the guy driving the Dodge Charger, he was punked by ANTIFA. Heather Hayer died of a heart anyerism. Not the vehicular homicide that CNN protrays.

2018-07-08 03:14:52 UTC  

And the car was autonomous. Podesta. To make it look like Trump did it. Russia Nazi Stormy.