Message from @CWMama

Discord ID: 465441264821600256

2018-07-08 07:40:47 UTC

2018-07-08 07:41:27 UTC

2018-07-08 07:45:32 UTC

2018-07-08 07:46:12 UTC  

KIM DOTCOM Putting POTUS to proof that he intends helping JULIAN ASSANGE Check out @banjo_ben_’s Tweet:

2018-07-08 08:05:16 UTC  

💙 🇺🇸❤

2018-07-08 08:38:11 UTC  

🇺🇸 Long live the Republic! #FreedomIsNeverFree #GodBlessAmerica

2018-07-08 08:43:46 UTC  

Q arrived in Germany

2018-07-08 08:57:25 UTC

2018-07-08 09:16:47 UTC  

@Evilanne go look up Democracy for America look up all candidates......socialist pictures etc. their petitions are also listed. They are behind a lot of the garbage

2018-07-08 09:17:19 UTC  

Good early morning

2018-07-08 09:17:56 UTC  

@retiredDep Good morning

2018-07-08 09:19:01 UTC  

Sanders, Ellison, Warren some of the major players in DFA

2018-07-08 09:22:14 UTC  

DFA founder
Governor Howard Dean
Governor Howard Dean founded Democracy for America in 2004 to build on the grassroots momentum that his bid for the presidency sparked. The movement propelled DFA into a successful national organization committed to to Gov. Dean's "50 State Strategy" to rebuild the Democratic Party.

In early 2005, DFA ran a people-powered campaign to elect Governor Dean to chair the Democratic National Committee. Democrats nationwide badly wanted reform and found the answer in Governor Dean. From 2005 – 2009, Governor Dean spearheaded the DNC’s 50 State Strategy to support the base of the Democratic Party, setting Democrats up to take back Congress in 2006 and win the White House in 2008. Upon leaving the DNC in early 2009, Gov. Dean returned to DFA as a senior adviser, until stepping down from that role following the 2016 election. Gov. Dean is no longer involved in the strategic direction of DFA.

2018-07-08 09:23:12 UTC  

Mari Schimmer brings over a decade of organizing, training, and advocacy experience to Democracy for America. Mari got her political start as a fundraising canvasser in 2004. In 2005, Mari moved to Denver, Colorado to work on the Progressive Voter Network, a national project to recruit and train volunteer leaders in key states to advocate on environmental issues. She also helped plan and run voter contact and get out the vote operations in Colorado in 2008 and 2010.

From 2011-2016, Mari worked at URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity, a national organization dedicated to young leaders in the reproductive justice movement. During her tenure at URGE, Mari helped grow the field team from one to six organizers, brought hundreds of students to DC to advocate for comprehensive sex education and abortion access, and organized statewide advocacy days in six states.

Mari majored in Politics and Women’s Studies at the University of California Santa Cruz. Outside of organizing, she enjoys roadtrips, vegan cooking, knitting, and beach days.