Message from @Powder πŸ’œ

Discord ID: 468095205002969090

going to need this place more

2018-07-13 12:31:43 UTC  

Some great History on the Bolshevik Revoloution and the last days of the Russian Orthodox Church

2018-07-14 11:58:57 UTC  

@noahsark1962 I love Leo Giglio on Liminal. I have gave this link to everyone I have had contact with on Discord. I hope they have watched it to see what a miracle God made our bodies. I saw that for 20 years with my mom. It doesn't matter how the enemy tries to kill us, God made our body with the will to survive and fight! They tried to bury the evidence of my mom being overdosed six foot under. In the end. after 20 years, another doctor failed to put her back on a med to keep her heart pumping after a fall and broken hip and she died. I saw many miracles in 20 years and many mistakes. God's creation called the human body is a miracle! Thank you for posting this and between you and I if we keep posting it maybe it will give people faith that need it. God bless you!

2018-07-14 12:16:44 UTC  

β€œMy God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? …” In the gospels of Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34, Jesus cried out the same words while hanging on the cross. In verse 6 of Psalm 22, Jesus says something odd: β€œBut I am a worm, and no man.” What did he mean by saying β€œI am a worm”?

2018-07-14 20:08:06 UTC  

To understand more fully the cost that was paid for us- spend a hour viewing this teaching sermon from Chuck Missler----have some tissue handy----

2018-07-15 08:55:36 UTC

2018-07-15 08:55:42 UTC  

For I know my Redeemer lives!

2018-07-15 08:59:08 UTC  

If my people, which are called by My name... 2 Chron. 7:14

2018-07-15 10:33:35 UTC  

Take time to think..
it is the source of power..

Take time to read..
it is the foundation of wisdom...

Take time to play..
it is the secret of staying young..

Take time to be quiet..
it is the opportunity to see God..

Take time to be aware..
it is the opportunity to help others..

Take time to love and be loved..
it is God's greatest gift..

Take time to laugh..
it is the music of the soul..

Take time to be friendly..
it is the road to happiness..

Take time to dream..
it is what the future is made of..

Take time to pray..
it is the greatest power on earth..

2018-07-15 16:43:13 UTC  

Life is a mist.. a fast runner.. a breath.. and a wisp of smoke..
Life is a temporary assignment..
We are all visitors..
To this time and this place..
We are all just passing through..
Our purpose here is to observe..
To learn and grow..
and to love..
To find the source of life..

Lord.. Remind us how brief our time on earth will be..
Remind us that our days are numbered.. and that life
is fleeing away..
Psalm 39:4

We are here on earth.. for just a little while..
Psalm 119:19

2018-07-15 16:50:03 UTC  

Instead of saying..
I am damaged..
I am broken..
I have trust issues..
I will say..
I am healing..
I am rediscovering myself..
I am starting over..

I will talk up to myself..
I am not what I felt I deserved and placed in my life..
Over and over..
-Lori Brough

Note to self ~
I deserve love..
I deserve self care..
I deserve respect..
I deserve honesty..
I deserve the best..
I deserve to be loved..
I didn't deserve everything I sought in others that in turn left me less than I deserve.

2018-07-15 16:51:53 UTC

2018-07-15 16:54:23 UTC  

I prayed for change, so I learned forgiveness...
I prayed for guidance and learned to trust God...
I prayed for happiness and discovered truth that set me free....
I prayed for peace and discovered grace..
I prayed for abundance and learned to be Grateful in everything...
I prayed for a miracle and realized I was created as one..
I prayed for love and and learned that God is love and I was His image..
-Lori Brough

2018-07-16 09:42:22 UTC  

@𝓐𝓻𝓢𝓸𝓻_𝓸𝓯_𝓖𝓸𝓭 I was just fixing to post Pastor J.D.'s prophecy update. Glad you watch him! I just love him!

2018-07-16 23:23:57 UTC  
2018-07-17 05:04:04 UTC  

Holy Father, I come to You tonight in great sorrow for my friend Brillanon who is suffering the loss of her husband. Lord, please have mercy on Brill and heal her broken heart. Father, please fulfill all her needs and surround her with people who are good to her and who love her. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

2018-07-17 08:26:37 UTC  

@Sara Amen! May God wrap His loving arms around her and her children and comfort them and flood them with love. In Jesus' Precious Holy name Amen.

2018-07-17 15:39:08 UTC  
2018-07-17 19:12:41 UTC