Message from @WeeOne

Discord ID: 553933536021970954

2019-03-09 02:59:37 UTC  
2019-03-09 03:49:56 UTC  
2019-03-09 08:05:49 UTC  

The world's largest Women's organization with 7.2 million members.

2019-03-09 12:02:16 UTC

When our elderly parents are targets of their own children, where are we as a society?

2019-03-09 12:17:18 UTC

Is this like white milk being racists? Dr Seuss wrote books during wartime. Who were we at war against? I suspect they would write Branco and Garrison are racist too as they depict NWO types in not the greatest light? Those that criticize do not talk about the subject matter and lessons Seuss books had. Green Eggs and ham was about not having a closed mind about things and to try different things. Red Fish, Blue fish? There are many types of fish (people) in the sea and they are all beautiful and unique. Maybe the people who say Dr. Seuss books are racists should have read them when they were younger. It might had made them better people. And finally,who is really backing these people? Could it be the UN? Communist? Be careful who you follow. They are after our children.

2019-03-09 13:34:06 UTC  

NETWORK, Sidney Lumet, 1976 - I'm Mad As Hell and I'm Not Gonna Take This Anymore!

2019-03-09 13:57:51 UTC  

Q-post #2986 Shows pen reflection. If it were a “tie” in reflection, wouldn’t the person have to be laying down? I was entertaining the idea that it might be Q in a yellow chair in Oval Office.??There are the chairs by fireplace and also the barrel shaped chairs up by president’s desk. In this thinking the white might be shirt collar and jaw line in the skin tone. Just a thought... WWG1WGA ☺️

2019-03-09 14:13:20 UTC  

The Washington Post’s QAnon Segment Was Something Out of 1984
The Post’s attempt to discredit Q fell flat. A closer look exposes the agenda of a modern-day Operation Mockingbird.
Go to the profile of Zach Haller
Zach Haller

2019-03-09 14:23:22 UTC  
2019-03-09 14:46:38 UTC  

2006 article in The Examiner by Gov. Richard Lamm. He'd said that both sides are controlled by special interests, in his Wiki.

2019-03-09 14:47:00 UTC  

13 years later, sounds familiar.

2019-03-09 14:49:02 UTC  

and that has what to do with Russian Collusion? Just askin, Mr. Mueller...

2019-03-09 15:06:27 UTC  


2019-03-09 15:20:08 UTC