Message from @junem6566

Discord ID: 568835587222798346

2019-04-19 13:25:10 UTC  

🇺🇸 __Trump reaction on Mueller report release: 'I'm having a good day'__ <:Pepewink:539084298037231629>
_NBC News_ -

▶ WASHINGTON — Minutes after special counsel Robert Mueller's redacted report was publicly released, President Donald Trump said he was having a “good day,” adding that “it’s called ‘no collusion, no obstruction.'”
▶ Trump’s remarks were echoed in a statement from his legal team, in which they claimed “total victory” and “vindication" for the president, saying it marked "an important step forward for the country and a strong reminder that this type of abuse must never be permitted to occur again."
▶ The Trump re-election campaign released a mashup video titled "Time to Turn the Tables!" featuring lawmakers and journalists discussing potential collusion and obstruction of justice. In a statement from Trump's campaign manager Brad Parscale, he claimed the Mueller report had "completely" exonerated the president and warned that "the tables have turned, and it’s time to investigate the liars who instigated this sham investigation into President Trump."
▶ In another tweet, he wrote, “The Greatest Political Hoax of all time! Crimes were committed by Crooked, Dirty Cops and DNC/The Democrats,” topping off his tweetstorm with a video mashup proclaiming “No Collusion — No Obstruction!”

2019-04-19 13:38:27 UTC  
2019-04-19 14:05:45 UTC

2019-04-19 16:21:39 UTC  
2019-04-19 16:22:55 UTC  

7 Ways The Mueller Report Exposed The Media’s ‘Bombshell’ Fake News Stories

2019-04-19 16:30:55 UTC  
2019-04-19 16:37:30 UTC  


2019-04-19 16:47:02 UTC  
2019-04-19 17:14:04 UTC  
2019-04-19 17:23:02 UTC  
2019-04-19 17:28:44 UTC

No there there, yet 35 million spent on the SC and Dems and their allies in the MSM still insist on their Russian collusion hoax. Is it time to say what we all have thought for sometime now, “These people are insane.” And no we do not believe the ramblings of insane people, no matter how loud and long you yell.