Message from @Janel Cartrett

Discord ID: 572076782665203721

2019-04-28 14:32:26 UTC

2019-04-28 14:39:03 UTC  
2019-04-28 14:54:41 UTC  
2019-04-28 15:06:46 UTC  

Janel Cartrett (@CartrettJanel) Tweeted:
@FaceTheNation, Why???? do you all fall all over the place for Creepy Uncle Joe Biden, with "The Ukrainian Connection ". He and his son Took Billions of Our Tax Dollars. LET THAT SINK IN.

2019-04-28 15:07:43 UTC  

Jali_Cat{⭐️} (@Jali_Cat) Tweeted:
‼️ 🙌🏻Magically🙌🏻 3 Federal judges in Michigan say districts are ‘unfair’ & gerrymandering & they r ordering maps be redrawn before the 2020 elections‼️


Such corruption all over the United States. Its really fcking sickening.

Does ANYONE in politics have integrity anymore??

2019-04-28 15:08:53 UTC  

🚧 Build the Wall 🏗️ 🌟🌟🌟 Trump 2020 (@hirschA8720) Tweeted:
‼️It’s SO on!

Sharyl Attkisson calls @ValerieJarrett OUT for old tweet claiming Obama never ‘ordered’ surveillance on any U.S. citizen

Valerie’s tweet from March of 2017 seems kinda sorta relevant now that we know what we know … doncha think?

2019-04-28 15:13:55 UTC  

@WLWT what are all the sirens and helicopter in Ludlow/Covington?

22:28 - 27 abr. 2019 desde Ludlow, KY

2019-04-28 15:20:30 UTC  

@everyone interesting? ▶Anonymous 04/28/19 (Sun) 02:13:40 8b97f5 (16) No.6344374>>6344385

File (hide): a46d3bca6a19b15⋯.png (22.66 KB, 461x221, 461:221, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

cool digs on

if you search 'strozk' and let the results come up the F3 search 'pence'

these are all prev bread links

>>4573007 at 2019-01-03 03:50:38 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #5833: We're Full Edition

I don't know why it took so long for me to realize this, but Flynn "lie" makes perfect sense if Pence (head of transition team) was working with strozk/Yates.

>>4317942 at 2018-12-15 06:09:14 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #5502: HusseinCare Edition


>> Sally Yates worked with Pence (Head of transition team - lied about Flynn, enabling Yates/strozk to enter the picture, no Pence none of this happens).

This is new to me. You saying Pence lied about what Flynn told him? If so, was it to set up DOJ/FBI, or because Pence is bad guy?

>>6327950 at 2019-04-27 02:15:09 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #8092: Lets Have Us A Fun Friday Nightshift Edition

>>6327242, >>6327153 pitcock seamen strozk pence conects

dafug is this, dirty talk with a russian accent?

2019-04-28 15:27:58 UTC  

🇺🇸 CHIZ (@CHIZMAGA) Tweeted:
Kamel Toe Harris gets owned by a Latina woman at the airport!

2019-04-28 15:40:40 UTC  

Janel Cartrett (@CartrettJanel) Tweeted:
@ThisWeekABC,remember this, Half of the people that voted for Hillary were dead. I'm sure some o-bits had to be over 100 years old.