Message from @junem6566

Discord ID: 583510953300197377

2019-05-30 02:46:13 UTC  
2019-05-30 02:56:36 UTC  


Possibly found something in reference to body of missing man and plane in Ohio found. Found the pic below that states he may be a Marine and guess where one of his duty stations was…..Port Au Prince, Haiti!!!!!

2019-05-30 02:59:56 UTC That’s the way I eat my breakfast...the Europeans are right!

2019-05-30 04:24:12 UTC  
2019-05-30 05:17:56 UTC  

@stefanon listen to Oscar El Blue On FB. He is Border Network News from the Mexico side. Mexico has been invaded and Chiapas territory taken by force. The Mexican Government is corrupted. The Citizens are with us. He live streams every day.

2019-05-30 05:21:54 UTC  

They are Basically in the same position we are in. they are being over taken by Venezuela, Cuba , Africa and all the Middle Eastern countries. I saw the live and still photos of all the African people. “these are bad people, says Oscar who want to harm us, not who they say they are”

2019-05-30 05:25:53 UTC  

@stefanon I have screen captures, but the files are too big to send. give me an email to get him on the show. I have watched him for a long time. excellent reporter, accurate, with a narrative we have not heard here!
get this message to Pam or Radix they should hear this guy!

2019-05-30 05:27:13 UTC  

thank you!@everyone

2019-05-30 07:50:19 UTC  

@Deleted User thank you. what info should he send in? you have any outline or something?

2019-05-30 09:31:08 UTC - Morning New Briefing for May 30, 2019 (am continually updating between now and 10 or 11AM Eastern, so check back often!)