Message from @scarlyle

Discord ID: 590578876472623114

2019-06-18 15:16:09 UTC

2019-06-18 15:26:44 UTC  

Clarence Thomas is correct. The Founding clearly were against precedents in adjudicating because by using precedents they were in fact creating law. Founding did not want the judiciary to be making law but to apply the Constitution to a specific case.

2019-06-18 15:31:30 UTC  

Have a good day, patriots!

2019-06-18 16:29:36 UTC  

Flynn And GRU Spy Chief Worked On $100B Saudi Reactor Deal. Would They Use Spies?

2019-06-18 16:49:46 UTC  

According to Fox News, a Trump administraton official said the new immigration effort will focus on more than 1 million people who have been issued final deportation orders by judges yet still remain in the country.

2019-06-18 17:10:38 UTC  

Trump puts Army secretary in charge of Pentagon after Shanahan drops out of contention for SecDef