Message from @Truth N’ Crimson

Discord ID: 592674632746795008

2019-06-24 08:36:31 UTC  

CNBC : Beijing wants the US to stop ‘inappropriate’ actions against Chinese firms
The Chinese government would like the U.S. to cancel “inappropriate” actions against Chinese companies, Wang Shouwen, vice minister of commerce, said Monday.
The U.S. Commerce Department on Friday New York time added five Chinese technology companies to the so-called entity list that effectively prohibits them from buying parts from U.S. companies.

2019-06-24 09:44:24 UTC - Morning News Briefing for June 24, 2019

I am continually updating it throughout the morning, so check back often!

2019-06-24 10:40:06 UTC  

Could you all talk to eighother and stop the fight amongst eachother so the movement of patriots whitehats or whomeever that want the same are not devided. Step over pride and other non relevant emotions to get back and work constructively together again. Differences in opinion we still wil have. What was again the motto : 'where we go one we go all'. Or is it where one goes we all splitt up. Stop the infighting.

2019-06-24 10:45:52 UTC  

Gangs trained in prison and gangs grabs

2019-06-24 11:16:01 UTC

Daycare fraud by “poor” immigrants. Open a daycare that get people who are subsidized by the government to “enroll”, pay kickback to the subsidized people, send millions back home to support terrorist and then have millions left to have a nice lifestyle. All funded by hard working sleeping Americans.

2019-06-24 11:34:07 UTC  

4AM Trump Breaking News 6/24/19 | Sean Hannity Fox News June 24, 2019

2019-06-24 13:56:25 UTC