Message from @Truth N’ Crimson

Discord ID: 600387659030069248

2019-07-15 17:15:27 UTC

2019-07-15 17:19:52 UTC  
2019-07-15 17:55:51 UTC  
2019-07-15 18:02:24 UTC  

LOOKS like Nasif is fighting back with people calling him a shill/liar :
Per George M Nasif J U S T I C E

Trey Gowdy warned me after sending in evidence, in a past conversation "interview", IF the HRC video or photos with Huma, Hillary and teenage victims were released, underage sex with young girl, or blood transfusion with teen boy, it will cause a 100% Government shut down and we would not recover.
So many are guilty of this huge cover up!

My reply,,, "good, shut it down and remove those in the House and Senate who are guilty of this cover up~"

His reply, "There would be no one left to run the government."

Like many others, I want to see Julian Assange released! Why not exchange His release and immunity protection for the evidence documents, videos and photos I have collected?
The FBI will never release them to the DOJ. To many are guilty, to many lives depend on it, and it will destroy this country.

You think HRC losing the 2016 election caused problems?
Wait and see what's coming when this evidence is all made public.

Why did Trey Gowdy walk away? He knows what's coming. He has seen the evidence, He knows the truth. He knows the outcome.

Democrats, BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID. In fact, be scared to death, Panic! Your day is coming- just around the corner.

George M Nasif.

2019-07-15 18:18:28 UTC  
2019-07-15 18:39:12 UTC  
2019-07-15 18:42:43 UTC  

​Breaking Rush Limbaugh Just Mentioned the chans and QANON!!!!!