Message from @Truth N’ Crimson

Discord ID: 602911192226463774

2019-07-22 16:38:45 UTC  
2019-07-22 16:56:23 UTC  

IMPORTANT NEWS – Video Confirms Butowsky Lawsuit Claim: Julian Assange told Ellen Ratner DNC Emails were received From Seth Rich – Not a Russian Hack… A lawsuit filed a week ago by Businessman Ed Butowsky, alleged that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told Fox News analyst Ellen Ratner the DNC leaked emails were received from Seth Rich and his brother Aaron. . . . . . . In the video [Full Video Here] taken during a November 9th, 2016, Embry Riddle University symposium, Fox News analyst Ellen Ratner, representing the left, and former Congressman now Fox political analyst John Leboutillier, from the right, discussed the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election.

2019-07-22 17:03:01 UTC  
2019-07-22 17:08:58 UTC  

The guy who knows where the bodies are buried, and the decades of treason conducted by senior government spies like Feinstein, Clinton and pals, is spilling everything he's got. #PainIsComing

2019-07-22 18:00:57 UTC  

From Big oil to Big Pharma (same people, different products)

This full length documentary is available for free streaming from now until July 25, 2019.

Identifying and combating the greatest risk to your health.

Get it while you can.

2019-07-22 18:02:05 UTC  
2019-07-22 18:02:34 UTC