Message from @Nea Nea

Discord ID: 608643356691660821

2019-08-07 07:48:57 UTC  
2019-08-07 08:22:06 UTC  
2019-08-07 09:42:07 UTC - News Briefing for August 7, 2019

I will be updating it throughout the morning (finishing in the afternoon due to doc appointment) so check back often!

2019-08-07 10:45:01 UTC

We know we are living 1984 and have a Ministry of truth, when even Clinton confidants recognize it.

2019-08-07 11:36:41 UTC  
2019-08-07 12:01:21 UTC

TDS is real. So many in my family have it. When you discover a person has it, you need to proceed very carefully with them, as triggering them is very easy. Intense anger and hate, while they say to others they are compassionate. Illogical.

2019-08-07 12:18:27 UTC

Excellent article. White supremacy is only relevant if there is identity politics. Jeffrey Lord the author of this article was claimed to be a “Nazi” by CNN because he supported Trump. He was banned by CNN slamming him as a Nazi. The reason CNN banned Jeffrey Lord in reality was because he was a very strong advocate for the President, and seemed to hold his own in their panels of 5 against 1. They could not have any such support for the President. Finally someone make sense concerning this reported “rise in white supremacy “.

2019-08-07 12:22:18 UTC  

My bad. I read several articles on this American Spectator. The above article concerning War on Identify Politics was written by Jeffery Goldstein. Jeffery Lord is the editor of this site, but the opinion piece was not penned by him.

2019-08-07 14:02:11 UTC  

Rob Gray
6 hrs
Obama's DOJ said we were a nation of cowards because we didn't talk about race enough. His DOJ civil rights division refused to prosecute any civil rights crimes against whites. They let a man wielding a baton at a polling station in a black panther uniform who had "kill whitey" tattooed on his forehead go free.
Then he said if he had a son, his son would be like Trayvon Martin. He tried to return the Winston Churchill bust to the UK. Obama lied about his parents being at the Selma march. For the first time in decades, there was race rioting in Ferguson, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Milwaukee etc. while Obama was in office. Anyone who criticized Obama was labeled a racist. BLM didn't exist before Obama.
Wanna know who stoked racial tension in America? Obama did.(I'll be banned for this post, btw, Obama is FB's sacred cow).

2019-08-07 14:12:05 UTC  

Epstein connections. FBI guy Charles W Lyons turned CIA covert ops guy (with Maheu) marries Raskob, Dupont’s banker. Raskob donates his Retreats in Long Island and near Annapolis to Russia in 1951 which then become a turnstiles for DuPont scientists and spies. These same Retreats used in DNC “hack”

2019-08-07 14:46:12 UTC  

Google's politics are evil, IMHO