Message from @London2366

Discord ID: 489257135415230464

2018-09-12 00:43:40 UTC  

How Stanford Trains "Leaders" To FAKE CHARISMA SO THEY CAN FOOL PEOPLE INTO THINKING THEY ARE hUMANS! FROM 2012 Of course POTUS has it naturally because he actually IS Human. 😃

2018-09-12 00:51:05 UTC  

What is SOFT POWER ? Watch the lizard Joseph Nye giggle in glee of how they get the masses to FOLLOW THE STARS (such as football kneelers,and rock bands and Hollyweirdoes who are used as weapons.They used to be weaponized,but they see them as SOFT POWER ASSETS We could have never had Gay Marriage without the kneeler boys. They were political before they kneeled for Trump

2018-09-12 00:52:44 UTC  

Heres Joseph Nye explaining how they used Entertainment and Sports to push their agends

2018-09-12 00:58:39 UTC  

Lethal Injection A comprehensive documentary on the origin and effectiveness of Vaccines By Clint Richardson

2018-09-12 01:02:50 UTC  

Another Stanford Sweetie Nancy Snyderman JUST TAKE YOUR DAMN VACCINES

2018-09-12 01:18:28 UTC  

I hear people still say they need to Take The Country Back and talk to their so called "elected officials" Not in California,or anyplace they have appointed city managers (eg Bush's EO 12803 Infrastucture Privitization).The City Managers (County Managers Regional Managers) do ALL the heavy lifting and restrictions that are mandated by their boss.The Stakeholders. Imagine having lobbyists for large corporations dictating local policy through their mouthpiece the appointed CityManager who is NEVER from your town. City managers tell the Mayor what to do. This is a great example in California. This woman admits she is totally unqualified to do the job.She doesn't have to! She's just there to make manegerial governance appear to be Commisional Government. You can elect any fool you want and nothing will change. The City Manager has the final say. He's a pimp for the stakeholders. The corporate dictatorship has to end.

2018-09-12 01:33:01 UTC  

Community is NOT what you think it is.Like "Gay" meant something else in like in the 1890's. Communitarianism is communism. It\s actually the worst of capitalism,and the worst of fascism with a smirking nutface cult member velvet glove with the iron fist. It's been tried before.It failed.But Multinationals (mostly corporate partners with the UN) have been very successful at implementing it.It sucks,but they smile a lot and can crush you with regulations while spewing FAKE CHARISMA like they teach these creatures to behave. Stakeholders and appointed City managers are vampire carpetbaggers running your city. Elect whoever you want.It doesn't matter. Trump is the exception to that rule.Thats one more reason they hate him,and think they can get rid of him.Their corporate Communitarianism is Governance.There is a big difference between Governance and Government. If you have never heard of COMMUNITARIANISM here is a fast history of this form of tyranny. It's in your town and must be addressed and removed before you can have your country truly back.

2018-09-12 01:34:32 UTC  

Ooops THIS IS THE HISTORY overview. of communitarianism sorry

2018-09-12 01:37:05 UTC  

Communitarianism is the dialectical tool of the NWO Nikki Rapanna explains how it works in the COMMUNITY CULT .

2018-09-12 01:45:55 UTC  

This is why the leftists need gangs like MS13 ... If you tick off the Private Governance or actually best them or embarass them. or win against them somehow....Well they always have the gangs they pretend they are trying to combat (who get all the guns they like as in Chicago) and can get let go for their crimes if they do the "Community Leaders) Saul Alinsky style.They always work with "troubled youth" Saul Alinsky learned everything from gangster Al Capone the original communitarin=-) Become a problem citizen? Something bad happens to you by a gang! That's why they love MS13.They are their muscle and they get to keep their hands clean.

2018-09-12 01:51:54 UTC  
2018-09-12 01:51:54 UTC  

You have gained a rank @LaonAnon, you just advanced to 6 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-09-12 01:54:41 UTC  

"Community" is Communitarian-Speak... #Opt Out

2018-09-12 02:00:22 UTC  

Besides the immigration of military aged men in the UK (because the women and children are trafficked) so the men get shipped out.But BESIDES that the UK sucks because of COMMON PURPOSE .It's the British precursor to the US model (until Trump came and busted it up) It is a swamp. If you never heard of COMMON PURPOSE take a look,because their systems are in place in the US operating the same way.

2018-09-12 02:09:50 UTC  

Common Purpose Exposed

2018-09-12 02:13:25 UTC  

GCHQ and Common Purpose ...wonder why they spied on President Trump? The UK is run by a crazy cult GCHQ and Common Purpose. What they are really up to.

2018-09-12 02:15:07 UTC  

He sounds skeered on 9-11 !

2018-09-12 02:18:19 UTC  

Why GCHQ trying to take down Trump? The US was in the hands of the Serco Sepent ...They called it Obambacare but it really was Sercocare and Trump meant an end to their murderous money sucking gravytrain they had

2018-09-12 02:25:35 UTC  

The levees in Louisiana ? Door to door gun confiscations? FEMA Thats Serco too! They STILL have FAR too many contracts with us.This is why the Common Purpose HATES Trump.We were almost under 100% British psytchopath control.These people are hogs.Theres no feason for them to have all this control over EVERYTHING . Thats why they are pulling out all the stops on you POTUS 45 #WWG1WGA #WWG1WGAww

2018-09-12 02:51:16 UTC

2018-09-12 12:54:50 UTC  


2018-09-12 21:12:29 UTC  

"Control The Weather, Control the World" president Johnson. Announcement that they would experiment on us in the 60s

2018-09-12 21:13:02 UTC  

Kennedy was concerned of outcome