Message from @pocketangel3
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Brilliant Monk would like to come in as a guest please?
Side by Side with Trudeau & Castro at same age range. Warren's an Indian but Trudeau is a Cuban. We all know Bill Clinton likes a Cuban!
Here's Justin's Trudeau's mom hanging with Castro. Did she hook up with a DICK tator? Hmmmmm
100% Proof of CURRENT GITMO Trials The current hearings conducted under the Military Commissions Act of 2009 by the Office of Military Commissions at Guantánamo Bay Naval Base are comprised of two main cases. The first is the government’s capital case against the five accused coconspirators who allegedly masterminded the attacks of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon—the “9/11 Trial.” The second is the case against the “USS Cole Defendants,” those persons accused of orchestrating the suicide attack on the US Navy destroyer USS Cole as it was being refueled in Yemen’s Aden harbor on October 12, 2000. Most people are unaware that these historic trials are underway. While the underlying events changed the course of American history, few learn anything about the details of the government’s attempt to prosecute the underlying crimes, except for those who have the chance to bear witness.
@Nurse Nett
Wow, ok where did you find thar???
Serious question… Don't you think if Q wasn't real trump would tell people ?? I mean there's no way he would let all of his supporters who he loves and is out there fighting for be being drug down some rabbit hole of crazy conspiracy theories. Wouldn't he be like Hey I don't know what the heck this Q thing is it doesn't have anything to do with us If it's not coming from my mouth don't listen to it. I just can't think he would sit by and let millions of people have the wool pulled over their eyes when he is literally fighting like crazy to uncover the wool from Everybody in America's eyes. I just really struggle with being all in on the whole Q Sing. I'm such a skeptic I don't trust or believe anybody about anything so it's so hard to completely believe anonymous Internet post and I know there's proofs but it's still hard
at this point only those who havnt read the various Qproofs could hold any doubt about Q, he has proven himself repeatedly, only those ignorant of how. could still doubt him.
grim of course once again you are unquestionably correct... smile and s good evening to you... Anastasia
Mueller the leak😲, he's not a 🕵️♂️???
MACROn has ordered #YellowVest to be shot.😲😲😲
MACROn has ordered #YellowVest to be shot.😲😲😲
Millennials freak out when they realize Bernie's promise of free education and health care is a lie!
I think i messed up, mybad

Is the shutdown a setup to clean house by firing nonessential employees?
>A clean house is very important
Live confirmation hearing for new Supreme Court Justice!
Oops Ag my bad!