Message from @Conscience Abe
Discord ID: 535954873842401290
MANAFORT COLLUDED behind everyone's back for self profit
Santa Claus Of The United States (@bigredwavenow) Tweeted:
Let’s Take A Pole... Do You Love #Trump #POTUS45? #SCOTUS @realDonaldTrump @WhiteHouse @NSAGov @SecretService @POTUS_Schedule #Q
@ShyPanther That is PRICELESS 😂😂❤️
Does anybody know if the 2 guys that were on last night that were reading that big document are gonna be back on again tonight. They left it hanging and I need to know if I need to still stay up because they're going to come on or if I should go to bed😴😴
You have gained a rank @politically odd, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
@TRUTH SERUM TRUTH holy crap that was messed up!
@TRUTH SERUM The Apostasy is upon us. (re Stranger than Fiction Video) So Disturbing, but a reality we all have to face about the sign of our times. Father, Forgive them for they know not what they do...
@Patriot Reload, when your done with that could you answer this question? Could this shutdown have been avoided last year had McConnel exercised a "Nuclear Vote" ?? No one has been able to answer that. I admit I'm not familiar with the concept
BREAKING NOW: PELOSI PANNED: Steve Scalise Tells Pelosi to Negotiate with Trump or STEP ASIDE
did anyone see the 1 pm live video of anonymous..coz he was in chat telling us to watch the subtitlez for a secret message and when he said JKF in the video, the subtitlez said: my father..JFK JR. just revealed himself to us on that video..woohoo go to yt and trype in anonymouse ..look for the video that say: anonymous update jan. 18,2019 The Collective vs The United Nations the subtitlez and listen to what he sayz...wooohooooo I love you JFK JR. thankQ for the secret message
Remember this Day
Hey I lll come on
Remember to mute YouTube, level up to E-3, and test out your mic and headset with some folks in the #PSB Voice channel
A PRAYER FOR BEING A LIGHT-BEARER: "Father God, You have called us to be a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart to show forth the praises of Christ who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Since You have enlightened our darkness we will not conceal it in the privacy of our home or car, but we want to shine it forth wherever we are; in the market place, in the business place, in the neighborhood, in the voting booth, in church and wherever we have opportunity to bring forth light in this world of darkness. We can make a difference and want to do so. We want to witness faithfully through Jesus Christ our Lord in whose name we pray, Amen." From Bible 24/7
Obama's home in Thailand ?
I have theory on when Q might post next that might also be a Q proof based on this POTUS tweet
“Take two weeks off...Chill”
If my theory holds true, Q will break silence 2 weeks AFTER: Q’s last post (13th) OR this POTUS tweet (14th).
And there may be something to the “Chill” comment.
What do you think?
Hello all, I have been off discord a while, just hetting back, hope all is well.
Mt hope is he announces RBG retirement , Praises her service and then launches into the wall and border issue
Watch the media get on board ..
Anyone who disagrees with Trump's very reasonable border proposals need to keep the border open for nefarious purposes, those who shout loudest, are the most guilty. The wall protects people on BOTH sides of the wall with the exception of criminals only. Pelosi's outright refusal to accept ANYTHING POTUS proposes is keeping the gov shut down. Just a few short years ago the Dems were proposing the EXACT same thing that Trump is.