Message from @Sara
Discord ID: 563830390549250059
yes, might be easier here
I need to refill my coffee cup, back in a few
Let me switch over
Bummer I’ll try my laptop tomorrow.
okay, that is fine, I am in central time zone, I will be available to help anytime after 8am, message me when you can, we will try to figure this out
have a question on the relationship between and, are these sites considered controlled opposition?
I've given up infowars for numerous reasons, but find Dave on x22 a reliable and knowledgable reporter, and he seems to have more information about what's really going on, and seems to be on target more often than not. Anyone have theory, thoughts, or knowledge?
YESSSS! Drop those criminal referrals!
@Imabeliever1953 I LOVE X22! Concise news updates with Q mixed in!
-------------------Freedom Ring begins now!-----------------
@Imabeliever1953 infowars is definitely considered controlled opposition most especially thanks to Q for pointing it out and calling it so. it was merely speculation before that.
Q has not said anything about X22, so there it is only speculation.
@Deleted User Right.
Avoiding Truth
There is a principle
which is a bar against all information,
which is proof against all argument,
and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance.
That principle is condemnation before investigation.
- Edmund Spencer
------------------------Freedom Rings Begins Now--------------------------------
-------------------Freedom Rings Begins Now--------------------
@Sara, trying to get another newb in here, and I think this has been my longest setup time to date. LoL. Aaaah. I need a drink!
Boy I can see why. Been there, done that, @Lady Cole
Indeed. It usually gets handled within a few minutes in a DM and then bam, they're in here with ya'll. But sometimes they want to tell me the story as if I'm the screener <a:SPINNERS:531799726371373056>
Anyway, bless his heart. His name is Rommy uk. Hope he makes it in <:PepeThumbsUp:539084299379408896>
Thanks for helping, @Lady Cole