Message from @grouchybones
Discord ID: 577164227945693194
man i wish me n abe could get this many callers
yes, that would be nice....
people are at work, or lunch when your show is on
@Sosa321 loaded guests list next week
I think many people really enjoy the guests you get, which are awesome, btw.... they are willing to give up calling in to listen to the great guests @Derik aka Indy News
and that could be too
the line up of guest looks pretty darn good
i figured out why trump hasnt stopped 5 g
because it replaces the compromised 4g?
because huwaui is pissed we are competing against them with 5g?
my bet is its definitely something china related
@F1nchme1ster I can help you rank up here so you can call in
woot now i can type in here ! thx SoSa321
@bestNaunieEver @Annie Laur you can find each other here the plan to take over America they already are in our Government offices and are changing our laws to take over our constitution with sharia law the invasion is part of the plan.
I was able to get on deck the other night, but now cannot.
Is psb live stream down?
yes, for the reset @timgrooveman
I am here, I have my mic turned off until they decide to take calls
you need to un mute your mic
how do I disconnect from it
at the left side on the bottom, by the voice connected there is phone/x that is your disconnect button
ok gotcha
ok did that
okay come back into the pre screening room and we can see if your mic connects
does it still say not connected
still doesn't let me do output and input