Message from @anitalou_
Discord ID: 551224518727958528
ok thx
yep i have them
You have gained a rank @anitalou_, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
just need to get them on!
ugh sorry they are not in good repair 😦
yes i can hear you great
nope via laptop speakers
that is not from me
there is no noise
i hear it too!
i hear a scraping noise
i just heard a burp! lol
i turned down the input output by 50%
the push to talk did not set up like it did the first time??
i will try it again
@anitalou_ here if you need help when you return
i am back
click on "help desk voice"
right below help-desk
just sent u a DM
i have a CVS close by
the gas station has a rack of gadgets
but i prob dont need it tonite right?
You have gained a rank @anitalou_, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
I am still here
is that a decent one?
ok Ty!
here is our Twitter page @mighty200