Message from @Dyno

Discord ID: 573500564311244810

2019-05-01 23:23:49 UTC  

I have no idea because I got on discord some time ago. It looks like I'm here on something to do with patriot soapbox

2019-05-01 23:24:16 UTC  

Are you set up for push to talk?

2019-05-01 23:24:23 UTC  
2019-05-01 23:25:22 UTC  

How did you get into this server?

2019-05-01 23:25:41 UTC  

I'm sorry this is hopeless for me because I have no idea where to look to find out if I am set up to talk. Is there a really clear set of written instructions on how to do this here. I normally just listen to PS on you tube

2019-05-01 23:26:18 UTC

2019-05-01 23:26:49 UTC  

Go into that room and there are many tutorials to help with the set up

2019-05-01 23:27:04 UTC  

A couple of weeks ago I tried to set up discord from some youtube instructions by a young fast person I couldn't keep up with and I have no idea what I did right or wrong. I only came here looking to find a link to Radix show prep

2019-05-01 23:28:54 UTC

2019-05-01 23:29:13 UTC  

Or you might try to send a DM to Radix

2019-05-01 23:29:23 UTC  

Do you have her complete username?

2019-05-01 23:38:01 UTC  

@July4th radix often posts her show prep into her own discord server setup just for her digging deeper show

2019-05-01 23:38:01 UTC  

here is the link for the discord server used for Radix's Digging Deeper show.

2019-05-02 07:04:43 UTC  

thanks for the suggestion to send a DM to Radix. I don't know what a DM is (maybe direct message) or how to send it. I tried sending Radix an email but it came back as undeliverable. I wanted to ask her for an actual clickable link to show prep. A few days ago someone in the chat put the link up and I saw it for the first time..its very impressive but no link today. I did manage to get into whatever this is..discord, and its only dumb luck that I'm back here again, BUT, I don't know if I have any permissions or if I am thoroughly "in" the room or whatever you call it. I used to be July4th on the PS chat, but somehow that reverted back to an earlier name I had and I have no clue how to change it back. Why are there no step by step instructions for doing anything in patriot soap box or this PS thing here in Discord. I can't be the only person who came to the PS party late and has no clue what's going on and there is no place to find directions and so far I cannot find anyone to help me. If PS has been up as long as Q how is it there are only 70,000 users. There should be hundreds of thousands. If PS is a harbinger of the people Q can count on to back the "changes" to come when the Q show goes big time on the road, the whole movement will collapse for lack of help and support. Anyway, what I really want to say is if someone can't take the time to put together a real GUIDE to getting into and participaing in PS, then PS is not reaching and keeping as many people as it could and should. I won't tell friends about PS because what on earth am I going to tell them to do when I haven't a clue myself and nothing that I can turn to besides a few useless short messages from people who apparently know how to get around this stuff, but won't take the time to truly help others.

2019-05-02 12:22:57 UTC  

how can I turn off the window that pops up with every message?

2019-05-02 12:41:45 UTC  

@Darby Very annoying isn't it? I am working on a solution to that very problem and once I find it I will send it your way in a direct message

2019-05-02 12:48:54 UTC  

@July4th I sent you a direct message has anyone else reached out to you to help you with your concerns yet?

2019-05-02 12:55:28 UTC  

I found it .. go to the very left top and click on the down arrow on the Patriots soapbox

2019-05-02 13:26:29 UTC  

it came from the digging deeper server

2019-05-02 13:26:29 UTC  

here is the link for the discord server used for Radix's Digging Deeper show.

2019-05-02 13:26:32 UTC

2019-05-02 13:27:55 UTC  


@Darby @tattered flag go into your discord settings, then notifications, then turn these off

2019-05-02 13:27:56 UTC

2019-05-02 13:29:12 UTC  

Thank you very much I only turned off the first switch but will go back now and complete the task

2019-05-02 13:29:31 UTC  

bonus tip, scroll down and turn these off too

2019-05-02 13:29:31 UTC

2019-05-02 13:29:39 UTC  

then discord wont drive you crazy anymore

2019-05-02 13:30:09 UTC  

Very nice and thanks again

2019-05-02 13:34:42 UTC  

@Deleted User being all helpful this morning

2019-05-02 13:35:26 UTC  

i just cant seem to help myself

2019-05-02 13:35:30 UTC

2019-05-02 13:35:32 UTC  

off to bed now, nini

2019-05-02 13:35:45 UTC  


2019-05-02 13:36:14 UTC  

Night night <:MonkaSnug:551871838859558932>

2019-05-02 13:39:11 UTC

2019-05-02 13:40:31 UTC  

@Deleted User Were you up all night messing with this server? Dang dude you are going to ruin your health losing sleep like that

2019-05-02 15:09:25 UTC  

Is anyone here a YT guru that knows how to contact YT for an erroneous report?

2019-05-02 17:36:42 UTC  

what does "gaining ranks" mean on Discord?

2019-05-02 17:37:07 UTC  

That I get a different color for my nametag?

2019-05-02 17:51:58 UTC  

@Rekkedge You have to get to Level 1 in order to post links to full articles, images and memes so that is the first rank you need to have. As you gain more rank there will be chat and text rooms that will open up to you that you cannot see or access right now. Other than that there isn't really much more as far as rank is concerned