Message from @bing00

Discord ID: 583992321511653380

2019-05-30 06:31:47 UTC  

Good morning

2019-05-30 09:31:53 UTC  

Please go on help desk voice someone?

2019-05-30 10:26:25 UTC

2019-05-30 10:26:38 UTC  

yup, works fine 👍

2019-05-30 10:45:21 UTC  


2019-05-30 15:39:12 UTC  

Map of recent 24-48 hours of ALL kinds of incidents.
Im watching outbreaks (Ebola)

Watch news for Fever outbreaks. Ebola carries same symptoms in its early stages. People mistaking it for any other fever is dangerous. South America...many people are dying of Dengue fever.

2019-05-30 21:18:05 UTC  

@HoneyS Welcome to Discord

2019-05-30 21:18:27 UTC  

@notanon How are you this evening? Welcome aboard

2019-05-30 22:55:10 UTC  

Where is the prayer board?

2019-05-30 22:55:51 UTC  

@monkeywoman <#454466252509937685>

2019-05-30 23:39:14 UTC  

@JM Welcome to Discord we are glad that you joined us this evening

2019-05-31 00:32:08 UTC  

how do you get to the prayer circle

2019-05-31 01:01:08 UTC  

@lorkey <#454466252509937685>

2019-05-31 01:27:00 UTC  

Thank you Jayde

2019-05-31 02:17:47 UTC  

You're welcome

2019-05-31 04:16:19 UTC  

How do you call in SB?

2019-05-31 06:07:44 UTC  

@Deleted User if youd like to go on air then during call in hours join the 'Pre-Screening Voice channel, you will first need to rank up to the first level. which only takes about ten posts to any text channel,

2019-05-31 12:05:02 UTC  

I have a question .... is anyone listening

2019-05-31 12:07:33 UTC  

how do i get notification .... when someone messages me individually on discord ???

2019-05-31 12:16:29 UTC  

@bing00 Good Morning!

2019-05-31 12:16:59 UTC  

hello tattered flag

2019-05-31 12:18:05 UTC  

I will be right back to answer your question. I need to work the bread dough and get it ready to go into the oven. I will be right back so please give me a few minutes

2019-05-31 12:18:56 UTC  

ok ... it might be better if we chat later ..... i need to go to the bank ..... THANKS

2019-05-31 12:22:22 UTC  

Just send me a message when you return and if I am around I will answer your questions

2019-05-31 14:53:18 UTC  

Hello Patriots! Not Discord savvy at all and haven't had luck using other SM platforms to reach you guys. I actually have sent or have tried to send you guys messages from other SM outlets, not sure if they were successfully received, they didn't appear to be working for some reason, probably operator error lol. I create political satire art, and on recommendation from my mega fan Mom, she said to reach out to you folks to see if you were interested in it. Would love to share with you guys and do my part for America! Please let me know if you are interested in seeing/sharing the work and if you guys got any of my messages. Thanks and God Bless you and America!

2019-05-31 16:07:12 UTC  

@Jane Q Gumshu Hey there!!! Welcome to our server

2019-05-31 16:09:35 UTC  

Im going to send you a DM

2019-05-31 17:01:46 UTC  

Am I blocked from discord voice rooms?

2019-05-31 17:31:06 UTC  

@Deleted User We have temporarily restricted your voice usage on this server due to persistent interruption to ongoing conversations.

2019-05-31 17:37:37 UTC  

@Jayde ok so sorry

2019-05-31 17:37:59 UTC  

@Jayde when will I be allowed to listen in but not talk just listen in again?

2019-05-31 17:40:44 UTC  

@Deleted User I will speak with the other moderators. In the meantime, I want to make sure you understand how things work here in discord and answer any questions you might have okay?

2019-05-31 17:42:19 UTC  
2019-05-31 17:42:52 UTC  

@Jayde I have to go soon but will be back next week to see what’s going on

2019-05-31 17:43:22 UTC  

@Jayde I can see help desk voice

2019-05-31 17:43:29 UTC  

Okay, we will have to have that discussion before the restrictions can be lifted so you let one of us know when you're available alright?

2019-05-31 17:44:15 UTC  

@Jayde ok should I let someone know in here?

2019-05-31 17:44:42 UTC  

Yes, you can post in here.

2019-05-31 17:44:47 UTC  

@Jayde and then you would have the chat in help desk voice with me?

2019-05-31 17:45:21 UTC  

We need to have a text chat so we have a record of the conversation but we can have a voice chat afterwards

2019-05-31 17:45:48 UTC  
