Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 581389165111934986
@everyone (< do not abuse this btw, as everyone in the whole Discord will come running and get annoyed at overuse!)
Welcome to the Soapbox Testbed! This is the channel or ‘room’ where some of the experienced mods and Discord volunteers will talk you through a basic orientation. Click the people icon above (by the search/magnifying glass) to see ‘who is here’ list of Admins, Mods, and members on the right. On mobile devices you can ‘swipe’ left to see the same. Swipe right, or click the people icon again to see the various rooms or channels on the left. The rooms or channels you see will vary depending on your permission levels.
Accompanying this TEXT channel is a voice channel. You can and should be in both at the same time. #help desk voice or the channel right below this one, <#430201855172280360>
Look at the left hand column (swipe right if on mobile) and see your name in the lower left corner of your screen. Click the gear icon to set your voice method and volume levels for input and output. This area of setup usually requires a bit of talk through, but once you have learned this, please help train the next wave of volunteers who come in right behind you. This is how your skills develop and natural leaders emerge.
In our voice areas we usually select the Push To Talk setting. This helps curb background noises when button is not pushed. We recommend you use headphone also to prevent speaker feedback. Build good habits now as we try to up our game with the goal of a team of skilled professional sounding volunteers. Just us, but cool sounding 😎
Go back to Who’s Here view, click any name (with green or orange light) to Direct Message if you have a question or find yourselves in here alone or lost. 👆
Android app Notification Fix (Clear or Reduce Notifications) -
1) Select desired server from left-side.
2) Select three-line menu icon located upper-left of screen.
3) Select server listed. Drag up from selected server-name shown at bottom of screen.
4) Select Notifications on menu listed & select desired option; All Messages, [Only @mention], Nothing, Suppress @everyone and @here, or disable Mobile Push Notifications.
6) Select Back Arrow when done.
*Select "Nothing" Option ", & Deselect "Mobile Push Notifications" by tapping on it once, respectively if no notifications are desired.
Thanks to @LuLu Anon 🌼 ^^^
Thanks to feedback from the community we have implemented a new opt-in system to declutter the discord servers channel listing.
If you do **not** want to see the 'Call in' channels (if you never plan to go onair) then thumbs up this message.
i have also done some sorting which will bring the most active channels up higher in the listing, putting the more accessory channels lower.
Also new Qposts bot!
If you want to receive a 'Mention' / notification when there is a new Q post then click the 🇶 below this message, a role will be given to your account which is mentioned by the bot in the <#430234987032346637> channel.
`please only click once, because a second click will remove the role.`
If you *do* want to see **all** channels then thumps up this message.
@everyone those of you wondering where all the extra channels went just click the thumbs up to see them all again ^
If you have chosen to thumps up that last message, to see **all** channels, then you are done here.
otherwise read on.
(for those who *dont* see **all** channels already)
If you want to see *all* 50 state channels, then thumbs up this message.
`All 50`
If instead you would rather only see specific states channels, then click the corresponding emoji/symbol to the states name from this list. click it at the bottom of the message.
Alabama 🆎
Alaska 🅰
Arizona 🇦
Arkansas 🐻
California 🌉
Colorado 🇨
Connecticut ©
Delaware 🇩
Florida 🇫
Georgia 🇬
Hawaii 🇭
Idaho 🥔
Illinois 🇮
Indiana ℹ
Iowa ❗
Kansas 🌻
Kentucky 🇰
Louisiana 🇱
Maine ♒
Maryland Ⓜ
Massachusetts 〽
Michigan 🐺
Minnesota 🏒
Mississippi 🇲
Missouri ♏
Montana 🏔
Nebraska 🦌
Nevada 🎰
New Hampshire 🇳
New Jersey 🏡
New Mexico 🌵
New York 🏙
North Carolina 🆖
North Dakota ♑
Ohio 🇴
Oklahoma 🆗
Oregon 🅾
Pennsylvania 🇵
Rhode Island 🇷
South Carolina 💰
South Dakota 🇸
Tennessee 🇹
Texas ⭐
Utah 🇺
Vermont 🇻
Virginia 🐴
Washington DC 🕵
Washington 🌲
West Virginia 🇼
Wisconsin 🚾
Wyoming 🤠
If you do **not** want to rank up as you post. or in other words.
if you want to OPT OUT of the Ranking system, then thumbs up this message. (this is not recomended. only do this if you just cant stand ranking systems, "post count" leaderboards, that sort of thing.)
(note: if you opt out before reaching the first rank E1 you wont ever earn access to the call-ins channel.)
`xp/rank optout`
If you **do** want to see the 'twitter feed' channels then thumbs up this message.
If you **do** want to see the many 'Focused Research' channels. then thumbs up this message,
(these channels are much more specific to their topics, postings to them that are offtopic to their focus may eventualy be removed/relocated by a bot. for example in the <#478434593402519562> channel only posts related to seth rich will remain. )