Message from @🅱oomer Ted Cruz
Discord ID: 500108188381872128
@🅱oomer Ted Cruz do you really believe they surveyed all of China for the iq
No, they surveyed wealthier areas
IQ is not learned ability my friend, it is the born intelligence of a person, or would not matter if they were poor or wealthy
And Asians are more than China
Its India, Pakistan, Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia, Signapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Bangladesh
Are you retarded
Wealth and iq correlate
And iq is learned
Ever heard of an education
Also China and east are the only decent parts of Asia
IQ is not the same thing as knowledge, that is what Education provides, intelligence measures critical thinking and problem solving
I will admit I'm a bit wrong in saying it cant be changed
But it is largely genetic
Education provides critical thinking and problem solving
Skills not the inherent ability to do so
A village mong in Central Asia isn’t as smart as a Hong Kong ceo
A factory worker hong Kong isn’t as smart as s Hong Kong ceo
I did not say that
You said your iq is automatically set when your born Asian
I said that intelligence in terms of critical thinking and problem solving is genetic
What’s the term for genetic vs education
It’s like that
It’s controversial which one affects more
IQ is largely genetic. You cannot teach someone intellectually challenged t not be intellectually challenged
But both affect
Both do
I admitted that
@🅱oomer Ted Cruz you can make an autistic kid functional
Functional is different than intellectually gifted
Critical thinking and problem solving isn’t “ learned” like you learn a formula but it’s developed by learning
As well there are varying degrees of autism
I’m not saying genetics don’t have any role
You are thinking of problem solving as like doing a math problem rather than identifying problems and coming to solutions from within your own intelligence rather than being influenced by a formula
By your logic
Your just as smart as a child
As you are as an adult
Practice and experience develops critical thinking and problem solving
Again that's not what I said. Do you know what gene expression and developmental learning is? As you grow up intelligence improves as more Gene's are expressed
So if a person drops out of high school in senior year instead of continuing into a well paying, intellectual course such as law school , he is ultimately the same in iq in the long run
Again you keep thinking I'm saying IQ is only genetic, I conceded it is influenced by learning and experience, but not to the degree of genetics, otherwise you wouldn't see things such as wealthy blacks having similar IQs to poor whites or consistent lower IQ of products of incest.