Message from @Earl of Morrrrgantown

Discord ID: 523911237436833802

2018-12-10 04:49:10 UTC  

Should tablets replace textbooks in K-12 schools?

šŸ“± = Yes

šŸ“š = No

2018-12-10 04:49:50 UTC  

<@&479643036951904267> Pentapoll!

2018-12-12 03:09:51 UTC  

What part of The United States are you from?

šŸŒ² = New England

šŸ¦€ = Mid Atlantic

ā› = Appalachia

šŸ” = Upland South

<:rebel:506987502004076554> = Deep South

šŸ­ = Midwest/Rust Belt

šŸ¹ = Great Plains

ā›° = Rockies

šŸ¤  = Southwest

<:brainlet:487682295889920016> = West Coast

šŸ–• = Iā€™m not American

2018-12-12 03:12:27 UTC  


2018-12-12 04:52:47 UTC  

Are 1st-generation immigrants (children born in the U.S born to U.S __citizens__ born abroad) *american* or are they bound to blood?

šŸ’‰ = Bound by Blood

šŸ‘¶šŸ» = Full Americans

2018-12-12 04:54:39 UTC  

Should the United States once more allow unhindered immigration from __Europe__?

šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ŗ = Yes

šŸ‡²šŸ‡½ = No

šŸ¤  = Allow unhindered immigration from everywhere *besides* Europe

2018-12-12 04:55:59 UTC  

Should assisted suicide in Hospitals be allowed?

ā˜  = Yes

<:Redpill:459545654272720896> = No

2018-12-12 04:56:16 UTC  

<@&479643036951904267> Tripoll Time!

2018-12-12 12:12:29 UTC  

Which one of the 13 colonial states is the best?

<:rebel:506987502004076554> = Georgia

<:Nog:512197133865058307> = South Carolina

šŸ›© = North Carolina

<:bluepill:319671443594018836> = Virginia

šŸ¦€ = Maryland

šŸ¤” = Delaware

<:chad:518599394862432257> = Pennsylvania

<:Virgin:476653397693562881> = New Jersey

<:brainlet:487682295889920016> = New York

<:hangthink:487681962505404416> = Rhode Island

<:really:513406357202927626> = Massachusetts

<:ancap:438519133429170176> = New Hampshire

<:woes:424239052653461504> = Massachusetts

2018-12-12 12:17:27 UTC  

Best Rust Belt State?

2018-12-12 12:18:45 UTC  

šŸ§€ = Wisconsin

šŸš— = Michigan

šŸ¤” = Ohio

<:Virgin:476653397693562881> = Minnesota

<:chad:518599394862432257> = Pennsylvania

<:ancap:438519133429170176> = Indiana (Mike Pence's Homeland)

2018-12-12 12:23:22 UTC  


2018-12-12 23:42:03 UTC  

bro where is illinois

2018-12-13 01:26:19 UTC  

What tariff rate do you think is the best for your country?

<:Virgin:476653397693562881> = Free Trade FTW

<:ancap:438519133429170176> = 0-10%

šŸ¤” = 10%-20%

<:chad:518599394862432257> = 20%-30%

<:hangthink:487681962505404416> = 30%-50%

<:tiredwojak:518599077697683456> = Over 50%

2018-12-13 01:31:08 UTC  

Which economic systen is the best?

<:ancap:438519133429170176> = Laissez Faire

<:fasces:471441488736419857> = Corporatism

<:Virgin:476653397693562881> = Socialist/Communist

<:npc:502112029994254346> = Neoliberalism

<:Christ:418787349078736907> = Distributism

<:PraiseGod:484196233020440586> = Mercantilism

<:oppressor:409413647215886366> = Social Democracy

2018-12-13 01:36:23 UTC  

Who would you rather serve?

God or Money?

<:Christ:418787349078736907> = God

<:ancap:438519133429170176> = Money

2018-12-13 01:36:54 UTC  


2018-12-16 17:06:19 UTC  

Which Gunpowder Empire was the best?

šŸ¦ƒ = Ottomans

<:chad:518599394862432257> = Safavids

ā˜Ŗ = Mughals

2018-12-16 17:09:08 UTC  

Best Nomadic Conqueror?

šŸ‡ = Genghis Khan

<:Chad:476653434637123584> = Timur

<:thatspqrfeel:435554530600419328> = Atilla

<:BasedIslam:418417476833902593> = Muhammad

2018-12-16 17:13:46 UTC  

Darkest time of human civilization?

<:varg:513410031622815745> = Fall of Rome

ā³ = Muslim Conquests

<:kys:295702945817952256> = Mongol Conquests

šŸ€ = Black Death

<:lacreatura:438519075858284545> = Now

2018-12-16 17:16:12 UTC  


2018-12-17 03:17:14 UTC  

Should we add a #gaming channel?

šŸŽ® = Yes

ā›” = No

2018-12-17 03:17:44 UTC  

<@&479643036951904267> Quick 1-question survey

2018-12-17 03:33:54 UTC  


2018-12-20 02:01:04 UTC  

Is the wall ever going to be built?

šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø = yes

šŸ˜¢ = maybe some more border protection, but nothing much

<:sadcat:459545658282475530> = no

2018-12-20 02:02:43 UTC  

Did Trump give in?

šŸ˜  = yes

šŸš« = no

2018-12-20 02:03:18 UTC  

Will Macron be thrown out of office?

šŸ‡«šŸ‡· = yes

šŸŒ = no

2018-12-20 02:03:42 UTC  


2018-12-20 02:36:39 UTC  

What event(s) should our server have?

<:Dude:459545653031469068>= Meme Competition

šŸ—£ = Carolling and/or karaoke

šŸŽ® = Organized game

šŸ“¢ = Lecture

šŸ‘‘ = King of the Hill debates

šŸ¤” = Organized VC debates

šŸ›” = Kahoots

2018-12-20 02:38:35 UTC  


2018-12-23 23:17:54 UTC  

Are video games degenerate?

<a:yeetus:525556962684043264> = What are, a Nintendo playing Soyboy? OF COURSE

<:soyboy:421747339167006724> = No

šŸ¤” = Some are wastes of tine, some stimulate the mind.(cough cough Paradox Ganmes)

2018-12-23 23:20:33 UTC  

Do you read? If so, favorite genre?

<:brainlet:508484031625691156> = No...

<:PraiseGod:484196233020440586> = Theology

<:readlocke:435608015543074816> = Philosophy

<:deusvult:435436550168248330> = History

šŸ“• = Ficton

2018-12-23 23:21:29 UTC  


2018-12-27 02:38:43 UTC  

Milk - Is It Healthy?

šŸ„› = Yes

<:Virgin:476653397693562881> = No

āž• = It's good overall, but has some downsides

2018-12-27 02:42:33 UTC  

What should be done about Obese people?

šŸ„ = Treat it as any other disease, prescribe work outs, etc

šŸ’ŖšŸ» = Give each one a fit personal trainer (PT's are chosen from people who have to do community service)

šŸ”’ = Put them in Jail

šŸ• = Ship them all to fatcamp

2018-12-27 02:46:37 UTC  

What's more important, fitness of the mind or of the body? (choose one)

<a:200iq:525556802323087360> = Mind

šŸ’ŖšŸ» = Body

2018-12-27 02:47:48 UTC  

<@&479643036951904267> Health Tri-Poll

2018-12-28 19:13:53 UTC  

If the Ottomans never Rose to power, who would take their place, if at all?

<:christchan:379868194287910922> = Hungary

<:PraiseGod:484196233020440586> = Byzantium/and or the Serbian Empire

āœ” = Karaman

<:chad:508484033513259028> = Timurids

ā˜Ŗ Safavids/Some other nation

2018-12-28 19:17:13 UTC  

When was the Muslim world at it's height?

ā˜Ŗ = 7th-9th century

<:chad:508484033513259028> = 10th-13th Century

<:pepegun:515567581319397380> = 14th-17th century

<:soyboy:421747339167006724> = After the 1700s

2018-12-28 19:18:01 UTC  

What's the best?

ā˜Ŗ = Islam

āœ” = Judaism

<:readlocke:435608015543074816> = Atheism

2018-12-28 19:20:39 UTC  

<@&479643036951904267> Tusken Raider (Muslim) Poll