Message from @esgee
Discord ID: 303684903185416193
ayyyyy lmao
best girl
is that knuckles
Anticom and Knuckles
Ah yes, GroBgermaniums
I see you also enjoy GEE ESS GEE
Even if she doesn't win, the fact that she's this big is massive for her party and the nationalist movement. Front National had essentially supplanted the French cucksertives as the leading right wing party.
That's not even best pilot girl
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe What happened to autism speaks?
inb4 he likes brown hair glasses
>german Japanese halfbreed
Guys I'm doing the USMC Fitness Test tomorrow so wish me well!
Post rare misatos
Frats are gay
misato is second best
Guys I'm doing the USMC Fitness Test tomorrow so wish me well!
Win @QuantumDragon
Guys I'm doing the USMC Fitness Test tomorrow so wish me well!